Monday, April 16, 2012

Catch as catch Kahn (not r-ape r-ape when it's the "Hot Rabbit"))

This ought to be a fun one with the word filter about the act of forcible sex...


France's leading presidential candidate may have pounced on a Manhattan hotel maid -- but she wanted it, his lawyer asserted in court yesterday, hinting at what could be an explosive defense.

"The evidence, we believe, will not be consistent with a forcible encounter," said Ben Brafman, the high-powered lawyer of IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn, at the suspect's sensational arraignment in a packed criminal courtroom.

A source close to the defense later told The Post, "There may well have been consent."

Disturbing information also emerged about Strauss-Kahn's behavior after he left the hotel -- including his coolly having lunch with his daughter, who lives in Manhattan, at a restaurant about a half-hour after the alleged attack.

The developments came as an exhausted and humiliated-looking Strauss-Kahn -- a financial jet-setter and world politico -- was ordered held without bail by a leery Judge Melissa Jackson, who noted that he had been caught just in the nick of time at JFK Airport.

Now, <of course> there's not wall-to-wall coverage of this in the U.S. Because the guy was the leading candidate for the next French election, and us Yanks don't give a damn about the French? Because we had John Edwards' and Bill Clinton's adventures, so nobody really is shocked? Because it actually smells like a 'dirty trick'?

Or because the head of the IMF who was arrested just happens to be one of the leading Socialists? Oh, come on, you know I couldn't resist posting this, given the reaction to Polański by the Left.

Plus the victim is apparently a Muslim. Getting better all the time.|||This thread title is like something a spam bot would say.|||You know, having sex with an intern (whom you know and spend time with on a daily basis, persumably) is very far from having sex with a maid. Not that I approve of the former, but it's far more ... understandable ... than the latter.

The discrepancy is too much (in power, in socioeconomic, in whatever), the candidate should have known that even if consensual (assuming it was), he'd probably get in trouble for it. To me, that's a bit of lack of judgment there. Especially before the elections?

On the one side, their personal life is their own. I have claimed as much with Clinton. But fu**ing a maid isn't what socialists are supposed to do (that's a republican's job). Ok, I couldn't resist the joke... but it IS a joke

I'd count that as a minor point against him. Of course, if he is guilty, then he's prison material. But if he's innocent and she framed him, then he still loses a point for getting himself in trouble. But nothing that an otherwise good platform and potential can't overcome.


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This thread title is like something a spam bot would say.

Lol I know, I thought it was, until I saw Jmervyn's name there. I am still not sure if J is not a spam bot for the far right.|||Quote:

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This thread title is like something a spam bot would say.

Order your f ree RITALIN 2day! Sample Valium for the first 100 responses!


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Not that I approve of the former, but it's far more ... understandable ... than the latter.

The accusation against (Kaaahnnn!!) is far more than just sex, though; men's lives have been destroyed over far less in the U.S. From the accusation, it was undeniably forcible sex.


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On the one side, their personal life is their own. I have claimed as much with Clinton.

Remember, as with "Scooter" Libby, it was the lying under oath that got B.J. in trouble (and the coercion for others to do the same). Monica hardly needed to be forced.


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But fu**ing a maid isn't what socialists are supposed to do (that's a republican's job). Ok, I couldn't resist the joke... but it IS a joke

Neither are they supposed to stay in $3K/night hotels - 'man of the people' and all that rot - or consider the staff to be 'party favors'.


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Lol I know, I thought it was, until I saw Jmervyn's name there. I am still not sure if J is not a spam bot for the far right.

Don't you mean KKKristian KKKonservatives?


Dear Father Ted,

greetings in the name of our Lord jesus Christ.Hope this mail meets you in good health. I am Ojukwu Damisa,a knight presently living in nigeria and i am looking forward to God to start my own little ministry over here where the less previledged children can come to know God. I am writing this mail to ask for any little help you might be able to render.I am planning a crusade to hold 2nd week of november.

I hope you respond to this mail and God bless you.

Evangelist Ojukwu Damisa|||Quote:

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Order your f ree RITALIN 2day! Sample Valium for the first 100 responses!


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man of the people

Are you kidding? He was the boss of the IMF!!! Also, in France, "socialist" means that regular people should pay high taxes and get free healthcare or what not. Not that you should be forced to actually spend time among said regular people.|||Quote:

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The accusation against (Kaaahnnn!!) is far more than just sex, though; men's lives have been destroyed over far less in the U.S. From the accusation, it was undeniably forcible sex.

Like I said above, if that's the case, then prison it is. Problem is that if it wasn't, there's still a lot of political pressure applied here.

Also, I do maintain that his personal behavior can be fairly independent of his office performance. Unfortunately, because I'd generally rather see people who are good on both counts... but if I have to choose...

That being said, if it was forcible, he deserves prison, and they'll just have to find another candidate. End of story.


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Remember, as with "Scooter" Libby, it was the lying under oath that got B.J. in trouble (and the coercion for others to do the same). Monica hardly needed to be forced.

Actually, he was in trouble before the lying started. You think he'd be off the hook if he'd originally said "yeah, she totally slurped it and loved every moment"?

If Monica didn't need to be forced, given that they are coworkers, this should not have made the news. Office scandal at most.


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Neither are they supposed to stay in $3K/night hotels

As far as I am concerned, this should be the same regardless of party. Even if you're pro industry, that doesn't make you against people... or at least it shouldn't. The theory they're pitching us, whether you accept it or not, is that what's good for the industry and for the rich is ultimately good for people. So they're also "for the people".


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Don't you mean KKKristian KKKonservatives?

lol on quote... good one...|||Quote:

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Are you kidding? He was the boss of the IMF!!! Also, in France, "socialist" means that regular people should pay high taxes and get free healthcare or what not. Not that you should be forced to actually spend time among said regular people.

I've read that he was essentially a fascist... I honestly don't know enough about the inner workings of French politics to really know. But yes, he was definitely part of the international elite, and I suppose that makes this even more egregious in the eyes of Americans.


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Like I said above, if that's the case, then prison it is. Problem is that if it wasn't, there's still a lot of political pressure applied here.

Sure. Of course, I <adore> the way his supporters are scrambling to claim it was some kind of frame-up job.


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If Monica didn't need to be forced, given that they are coworkers, this should not have made the news. Office scandal at most.

You must have forgotten the period; B.J. was thoroughly scandal-ridden long before the "blue dress". Monica was wet, willing, and eager - one wonders why Kahn didn't do something along the same lines ("Hey, baybee, I ahm le Presydent of le IMF!"). The answer being assumed is that he did it because she was one of the serfs.

That being the case, he'll be considered worse than Clinton because while Clinton only r-aped one woman, Kahn apparently has a track record. He's certainly better than Manbearpig/"crazed sex poodle", who mostly demanded a "happy ending" to his massages.


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The theory they're pitching us, whether you accept it or not, is that what's good for the industry and for the rich is ultimately good for people. So they're also "for the people".

I don't suppose you've ever bothered to observe who the class warfare rhetoric incessantly flows from...


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lol on quote... good one...


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Sure. Of course, I <adore> the way his supporters are scrambling to claim it was some kind of frame-up job.

There's a few differences.

1) I'm not saying that he was framed. I'm saying he could have been framed. BIG difference.

2) I'm also saying that regardless, it was poor decision of him to sleep with her.

3) I don't know him, so I can't be called a supporter.


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Monica was wet, willing, and eager (...) he'll be considered worse than Clinton because while Clinton only r-aped one woman, Kahn apparently has a track record.

1) What you say about Clinton is self-contradictory. Either it was willing, or it wasn't.

2) That Kahn has a track record is terrible news.


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I don't suppose you've ever bothered to observe who the class warfare rhetoric incessantly flows from...

I ignore that as propaganda. Like I ignore that leftist don't care about the market, or that rightwing don't want gov intervention. It's all BS to sell a product. I also ignore brand loyalty. That this guy is leftist doesn't help or injure his case. If he's guilty, he's going down.

I try figure out what are the actual things they are going to do while in office (and I don't mean sexual positions ala Clinton, I mean policies etc). That's the only way to shop intelligently.|||I'm going to go with the first of your reasons, J: this hasn't gotten attention in America because, in general, we don't give a damn about French politics. It seems too juicy a story to pass up, if they thought there would be interest (oh, and color me "interested").

If forced: despicable, treat him like any other criminal.

If not: rich guy convinced poor girl to have sex that she regretted. BREAKING NEWS!!

The tough part will be finding out the truth. I have no idea how either party can convince a judge one way or another in a case like this...|||Quote:

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There's a few differences.

1) I'm not saying that he was framed. I'm saying he could have been framed. BIG difference.

2) I'm also saying that regardless, it was poor decision of him to sleep with her.

3) I don't know him, so I can't be called a supporter.

Ah, clarifications required - I'm not claiming <you> are a supporter (don't be so touchy!). Secondly, the episode was not as banal as you apparently have inferred; I neglected to look up the "Gregalogue" so here it is:



So IMF chief Dominique Strauss-kahn was yanked off a flight at JFK, trying to flee to France after assaulting a maid.

According to the police report, a naked D-S-k pulled the woman into a bedroom, and sexually assaulted her. She fought, but he dragged her into the bathroom, where he forced her to perform oral sex. she escaped, told the hotel staff, who called police.

Now in just about every article, three facts pop up.


One, that Strauss-Khan is known in France, as "the great seducer," which means they must set the bar pretty low.

Using their standards, Ted Bundy's a Casanova.

And then there's the constant reminder of the French, jaded view toward a leader's sexual appetites - a progressive, permissive attitude that lets them mock those repressed yanks.

Yep - the French are so evolved, that maybe this is no big deal.

She's just a maid. She's probably lying. it's a trap.

My favorite line comes from an ecology Minister named Nathalie Koscuisko-Morizet , who says there is another "clear victim, which is France."

That's from a French lady.

Which is maybe why, a previous victim of Straus-Khan didn't press charges. Tristane Banon was attacked, but says, "I didn't want to be known, to the end of my days, as the girl who had a problem with the politician."

Finally, we're told this guy's a socialist. Yet, here he is flying first class, renting a three grand a night room. and maybe attacking women.

But socialism is such a grand idea - so much bigger than those who champion it, that it never matters if said champion is a creep. Their awfulness is justified by their desire for social justice.

Which, historically, ends up killing millions anyway.

and if you disagree, you're a racist homophobe.


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1) What you say about Clinton is self-contradictory. Either it was willing, or it wasn't.

Multiple incidents. The one I referred to was Juanita Broaddrick.


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2) That Kahn has a track record is terrible news.

Howso (unless you're a supporter after all)? Because he's gotten away with it for so long?


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That this guy is leftist doesn't help or injure his case. If he's guilty, he's going down.

Sorry, but that's obviously not the case. If someone is a leftist, the media will circle the wagons and generally coordinate to sway the coverage (as on shameful display with Al Gore and Bill Clinton, much less John Edwards), while if they're nominally conservative then the long knives are out the second there's blood in the water (as with David Axlerod leaking Jack Ryan's sealed divorce papers, or Mark Foley's texts).



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I'm going to go with the first of your reasons, J: this hasn't gotten attention in America because, in general, we don't give a damn about French politics. It seems too juicy a story to pass up, if they thought there would be interest (oh, and color me "interested").

IMO we should. This is the President of the feckin' IMF! One of the greatest consumers of American dollars in the known universe - and he's caught looking like a perverse arse-clown of <this> magnitude? Admittedly, I don't necessarily give a damn about French politics either, though I can't imagine that Sarkozy is considered worse.

On the plus side, Gordon Brown is being contemplated as a replacement, and I can't comprehend something of this sort coming from him... {cough - ugly stick -cough}

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