Saturday, April 14, 2012

Here's some of that change you were hoping for...

[:1]Naw, this isn't worth making an "Obama Nation" thread out of - something of this sort honestly could have even happened under the "Imperial Presidency" of Bush, though that's somewhat laughable in hindsight.


US Fed. Gov‘t SWAT Team Busts Down Man’s Door Over Estranged Wife’s Student Loans

You may want to go make sure your federal government student loans are in good order right now. That’s because, as a Stockton, CA mean just learned, the federal government will bust down your door to get its money. Or even the door of your estranged spouse.

Kenneth Wright was home with his three children early Tuesday morning. He hadn’t even gotten dressed for the day yet, and was still in his boxers. That’s when he looked outside and got a surprise.

“I look out of my window and I see 15 police officers,” Wright told News10. Then, the SWAT team busted down his door, allegedly grabbed him by the neck and put him in a police car for six hours, and even roused his children (ages 3,7, and 11) out of bed.

But there’s just one problem. The police weren’t after Wright. They were after his estranged wife. Not surprisingly, they didn’t find her:

To add insult to injury, officers put a large, clunky board over the hole they created in the door and said it was fixed.

“The hole is the least of my worries,” Wright said.

News10 has more:

Wright said he later went to the mayor and Stockton Police Department, but the City of Stockton had nothing to do with Wright’s search warrant.

The U.S. Department of Education issued the search and called in the S.W.A.T for his wife’s defaulted student loans.

“They busted down my door for this,” Wright said. “It wasn’t even me.”

According to the Department of Education’s Office of the Inspector General, the case can’t be discussed publicly until it is closed, but a spokesperson did confirm that the department did issue the search warrant at Wright’s home.

The Office of the Inspector General has a law enforcement branch of federal agents that carry out search warrants and investigations.

Stockton Police Department said it was asked by federal agents to provide one officer and one patrol car just for a police presence when carrying out the search warrant.

Stockton police did not participate in breaking Wright’s door, handcuffing him, or searching his home.

Now that the Dept. of Education gets to bust down your door on a whim, how do you feel about making Uncle Sam the caretaker for your student loan?|||It's chilling. The guy should sue.|||Ho. Ly. Hell. What the f*** happened in the chain of command that this was green-lit as appropriate, or legal?|||I suspect there's more to this story (or less) than this. I mean, SWAT? For student loans? Really? If the wife ran off, there's probably a better reason than student loans.


The Blaze is a conservative news and opinion website launched on August 31, 2010, by American media personality and Fox News host Glenn Beck

I don't know how reputable News10 is, but it seems pretty local.

Ok so eh, with only that guy's testimony to go with, what can we conclude from this?|||Quote:

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Ho. Ly. Hell. What the f*** happened in the chain of command that this was green-lit as appropriate, or legal?

Uh, did you miss the part where your Obamessiah "federalized" student loans? This is the obvious result - default on Uncle Sam and your door gets kicked in by the Untouchables.

"Forgiveness" is not part of the bureaucratic lexicon. What, you expected a "kinder, gentler" Gov't? Sorry, wrong President.

@Alaris - since the use of your beloved site is to dismiss this as some sort of Becknut hoax, here's the original article from the ABC affiliate mentioned and indicating corroboration from the DoEd's IG branch. However, I am <definitely> interested in hearing a follow-up, which is - surprise, surprise - not going to be discussed by the DoEd...

Here's the site which Beck's probably referenced, there may be relevant video I can't see. On other sites I noticed stills from the video - OMG the victim is a NEEEEGRRROOOO!!!

Now what you got, pal?|||What relevance does the color of the victim have with any of this? Or are you saying because he's black then this couldn't possibly be a lie or exaggeration perpetrated by Right wing paranoid nut jobs?

Anyway, I'm with Alaris on being skeptical. I'm not completely dismissing it but when something this outrageous and unbelievable happens, you have to leave a wide open space for skepticism.|||Quote:

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here's the original article from the ABC affiliate

I get a "page not found". I did find on that site the same story, but do note upon reading that:


A U.S. government official confirmed for News10 Wednesday morning federal agents with the Office of the Inspector General (OIG), not local S.W.A.T., served the search warrant. The official would not say specifically why the raid took place. He did say the search was not related to student loans in default.

He went on to say OIG is a semi-independent branch of the U.S. Department of Education that executes warrants for criminal offenses such as student aid fraud and embezzlement of federal aid.

Emphasis mine.


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Here's the site which Beck's probably referenced


Boasting an average 1.6 million readers per month, the site is described by Newsweek as, "Muck, raked: If you're looking for alleged GOP malfeasance, the folks at are frequently scooping the mainstream media."

Hahah, you cited an article from the enemy's website ;)|||Not related to defaulted student loans. Nice catch, Alaris. So it seems that it's a criminal investigation which makes far more sense than sending a SWAT for student loans. Not that it justifies breaking down the door of an innocent man and scaring his children but the SWAT must have thought the wife was still living there.|||Also, it wasn't the SWAT as far as I understand the OIG quote I put above.


My take is that they were after her for a reason that they felt justifies breaking into the house to catch her before she runs or whatever, and had good reasons to suspect that she might still be living at that location and/or find info on her location.|||I'm curious about the execution of a raid rather than, say, knocking on the door. Even now that we've settled that it's over suspected fraud and not loan default, a raid still seems excessive.

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