Monday, April 16, 2012

Obama Nation: Opacity

The latest from the "you can't make this shyte up" department:


President Obama finally and quietly accepted his “transparency” award from the open government community this week — in a closed, undisclosed meeting at the White House on Monday.

The secret presentation happened almost two weeks after the White House inexplicably postponed the ceremony, which was expected to be open to the press pool.

Now <THAT'S> change I can't believe in! Maybe the Caribou coffee and townhouses were booked?|||That's almost as absurd as when Tony Blair and George Bush got nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize after starting a war.

This world is insane. Is there any point to these awards at all?|||I just keep getting a broken link.|||Yeah, there is an extra http// in there.|||Quote:

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Yeah, there is an extra http// in there.

Yep, I also noticed that in one of his other posts (but corrected it when I quoted him). Just remove the extra http://.|||Fixed. I LOVE Internet Exploiter.|||What's more transparent than something you can't sees?|||Quote:

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What's more transparent than something you can't sees?

Er, something you aren't allowed to see?


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Homeland Security Department's internal watchdog says the agency needlessly delayed releasing documents to reporters and others under the Freedom of Information Act because of a now-rescinded policy requiring approval first from political appointees, The Associated Press has learned.

Ah, that clean, fresh smell of a drained swamp.

P.S. @Rob - you can nominate <anyone> for a Nobel, for any reason. Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck have both been nominated, IIRC.

The trick is not only winning it, but deserving it.|||Quote:

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What's more transparent than something you can't sees?

Good question!|||Quote:

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Good question!

President Duffy?

See, I didn't even have to wonder if you were one of the Obamatons, whose immediate response would be of the "Bush Lyed Chyldren Dyed" variety.

But it takes a special kind of insane hubris to run one of the most secretive, corrupt administrations to date, and then <give yourself an award for transparency>. After refusing to give back the Nobel prize for peace... because you're launching an unprovoked, offensive war. The GOP are filthy swine, but they're not trying to promote Duffy as the spokesman for poverty in America (a position already occupied by John Edwards).

It's the kind of the crazy that y'all screamed hysterically that Shrubbo was for the past eight years, really. The closest I recall he ever came to this sort of grotesque irony was when he awarded medals to Tenet, Franks, and Bremer.

But he wasn't awarding it to Himself. Thought you heart-bleeders felt that grotesque hypocrisy was the worst sin of all?

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