Monday, April 16, 2012

Obama Nation: Unexpectedly!

Yes, folks, it looks like we're sliding down into another dip. (Moron version here). Now, many of you are either not U.S. residents, or are safely in the middle of scholastic studies on someone else's dime, so this may not be as bad as some believe it is.

What a 'double dip' recession will definitely show (to anyone who isn't still sucking down the Kool-Aid) is that all the damage/socialism that has been undertaken over the past 3 years has had no positive effect.

Unexpectedly, of course.

But the question is, are all of you Obamatons going to hold His Lightworkerness responsible the same way that Bush was held responsible for what happened at the tail end of his term?

And can Obama run against the horrors of the previous administration, when He <IS> the previous administration?|||Stop trolling, *******.|||So you're saying that Obama hasn't manage to reverse all the damage done by Bush? I mean, that's a pretty big task to ask of anyone. Hey, at least he killed that terrorist, remember?

Also, at least he hasn't doubled Bush's damage, amirite? Not that I think he'd be capable, again, it takes a special kind of ... to manage that.

I also lol'ed at the suggestion that the word "unexpectedly" wasn't toted around during the Bush years. I mean, everyone expected him to do a bad job, right?|||It looks pretty stable to me... nothing to worry about.|||Quote:

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So you're saying that Obama hasn't manage to reverse all the damage done by Bush? I mean, that's a pretty big task to ask of anyone.

More to the point, blaming the President for the economy is a fundamentally stupid idea, yet everyone does it. The economy is far more dependent upon Congress' actions than the President, though they are certainly able to cause damage without Congressional support. Pelosi & Reed, with Frank and Dodd supporting, are the ones who actually did the damage and caused far worse with their various "Porkulus" pocket-lining "solutions".


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Also, at least he hasn't doubled Bush's damage, amirite? Not that I think he'd be capable, again, it takes a special kind of ... to manage that.

Well, that's a good question, ignoring the way you ignore Pelosi/Frank/Dodd's actual responsibility for the collapse. If you tie an engine block to the ankles of a man clinging to a ring float, is that as bad as throwing one at him on land?


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I also lol'ed at the suggestion that the word "unexpectedly" wasn't toted around during the Bush years. I mean, everyone expected him to do a bad job, right?

That's actually pretty good, as well as accurate. The media pounded home the concept that Bush was a disaster so thoroughly that you and yours accept it as gospel truth, but I warrant you'd be hard-pressed to discuss exactly <why> Bush was the worstest Prezudent EVAH!

Meanwhile, The Enlightened One has helped tube the U.S. economy and nobody wants to point out how illegal actions were taken in the process. Because everyone from both sides want their hands in the Gov't till for as long as they can keep it there.|||Quote:

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I warrant you'd be hard-pressed to discuss exactly <why> Bush was the worstest Prezudent EVAH!

Pay attention to the non-circled part (I know it's difficult). Also, the Patriot Act.|||Can't we just consolidate these "Obama iz da debil" threads? They're all starting to blur together. Is almost like some stalker making a different Justin Beiber thread every week. But not as annoying.|||Quote:

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Bush was the worstest Prezudent EVAH!

Yes, he was. At least within my lifespan.|||Quote:

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Can't we just consolidate these "Obama iz da debil" threads? They're all starting to blur together. Is almost like some stalker making a different Justin Beiber thread every week. But not as annoying.

But then all of us MSNBC-watching liberal communists wouldn't have a clear, logical opinion to constantly remind us how wrong we are.|||Quote:

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... to constantly remind us how wrong we are.

I don't need another girlfriend!

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