Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Is anyone playing Rift?

I've checked out a few Rift video's on Youtube and sorta like the prof set-up and the gfx. I've got a nagging pessimism about GW2 from what I've seen lately, albeit early days I know, so am tempted to head off in a different direction. Is Rift too similar to WoW... I've heard WoW is grindy? (I've never played WoW, the gfx were a complete turn off for me)

Also, it feels like MMO's are heading in the same direction... 5 person dungeons, dynamic events, solo play, etc. etc. (full disclosure... I'm a big party fan, so solo play is not grabbing me yet... guess I'll have to wait and see)

P2P is a big turn off to me, but just because a game has no monthly, like GW2 is supposed to be, doesn't mean it's worth playing, so I'm willing to consider P2P if the game is good enuf.

So, anyone got an insight?|||Threads about other games usually go in the Off-Topic forum.

That said, I've watched some of it, and it doesn't appeal to me. So...|||Quote:

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Threads about other games usually go in the Off-Topic forum.

Ooopps... Sorry.|||Eh, I tried it. To me, it felt a lot like WAR, which was basically LotRO with PvP. So I just went back to LotRO which is F2P now. /shrug

I have heard of a lot of people falling in love with it, though.|||It is a good game, well polished and with decent graphics. It isn't anything new (almost everything it does has been done in another game) it does however blend them together well.

Dynamic events seem to be the next big thing with MMORPG's. The idea of public questing, where one can just go into an area and work with other people towards a common goal.

X Man dungeons are always going to be in the big MMORPGs. Deliberately harder than other content it allows for less margin of error and more reliability on team play, which I consider the appeal of MMOs despite the increased availability of solo play.

WoW has carried the grind stigma for years but the truth is it is less grind heavy (especially with cataclysm) than many other mainstream MMORPGs. The problem with WoW is that you need all expan

My suggestion, before you go into P2P for the first time it might be best to see if a game suits you (I've played many MMOs so I know what I like).

Go onto the forums, look around for deals, WOW does many offers in which players can invite others to try the game. You will need to download the client which could be a few gigabytes and take a while, then you have the patches afterwords.|||Quote:

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I've heard WoW is grindy? (I've never played WoW, the gfx were a complete turn off for me)

Yes, but that doesn't mean that it's boring. You might well enjoy it. They have free trials, I'd suggest you use one and see for yourself. Pick one character, and play it as much as you can during that time (don't start many characters yet). Now imagine doing that until reaching level 85, with a few dungeons added into the mix if you want.

Some like it, some don't. But at least you can try it for free.|||I'm not interested in Rift.

It's 2011. I'm not motivated to pay subscription fees anymore.

I'm not enthusiastic about shopping for new games which require subscription fees anymore. I'm definitely not excited enough about a brand new, untested, unproven, run-of-the-mill MMORPG which is reported to be a near copy of WoW to pay a subscription fee on it.

Besides, if I want to drop $15 a month on a WoW-Clone, I'll just go drop $15 a month on WoW itself.

Guild Wars 2. Firefall. These are the games that I'm excited about, because they're not only subscription-free, but also because they're innovating beyond the standard "level up, tank, nuke, heal, pay a sub" model.|||Quote:

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Besides, if I want to drop $15 a month on a WoW-Clone, I'll just go drop $15 a month on WoW itself.

True, but I figure I can afford one sub easily... if the game is worth it.


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because they're innovating beyond the standard "level up, tank, nuke, heal, pay a sub" model.

This. I'd pay a sub for real innovation. Looks like I won't have to.|||Quote:

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This. I'd pay a sub for real innovation. Looks like I won't have to.

I tend to dislike the whole sub concept, preferring base fee and pay-per-Down-Loadable-Content. The main reason I went with GW wasn't because I get off on dueling.

I'll have to check out Firefall. I was really hoping someone would come out with a F2P version of something like EVE, and though it doesn't seem to have much in the way of shipping/trading it looks interesting still.|||Given roughly equivalent products, I'll go with base fee with no subs, of course. Just pointing out that I don't have an aversion to subs, it boils down to fun/$. Or more accurately, maximizing fun given my fixed entertainment $.

So far, no sub has come close to GW or RockBand.

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