Saturday, April 14, 2012

Scifi and Fantasy books getting the "Game of Thrones treatment"

[:1]Hey guys,

With the Game of Thrones being a smash at HBO and a new Hobbit movie in the works, the time is ripe for some great scifi and fantasy books to enter the world of television and movies as well. What do you guys think? What books do you want to see become movies in the near future?

For my part, I want to see Glen Cook's "The Black Company," Lian Hearn's "Tales of the Otori," Kim Stanley Robinson's "Red Mars," Greg Bear's "Blood Music," and Trudi Canavan's "Magician's Guild." I love them all so much! Oh yeah, and of course a Halo movie, as long as it's good.|||I can't tell if this is a plant or not.|||With a name like BlackCompanyGuy?|||Quote:

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With a name like BlackCompanyGuy?

Yeah, but HBO isn't producing any of Cook's books. If it were "TyrionLannister" posting then it would obviously be a plant.|||Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

But while we're at it, Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy.|||If the OP is a plant, who for? A Hollywood studio that's going to take our ideas and make movies from books we want to see made into movies?

Only book(s) I'd like to see made into films or tv series are Donaldson's Chronicles of Thomas Covenant. I love those books, respect the author and would like to see his work get the sort of extra exposure LoTR did. Been shocked to find that there are genre fiction fans who don't know Donaldson and would like to see this changed. Of course, I'd want the film/series to be bloody good because a rubbish version wouldn't do anybody any favours.

But really, any book is complete in its own right and I don't feel the need to see films versions of any books I've read.|||Quote:

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If the OP is a plant, who for? A Hollywood studio that's going to take our ideas and make movies from books we want to see made into movies?

HBO or a book retailer.|||I can see it now: "You're in luck, some little hole in the wall studio no one's heard of is already working on 'The Black Company'. Spread the word!" OP's got this exact thread going on Guru too, and who knows where else.

And as far as the topic goes, how about "none". Let Hollywood come up with something original for a change, instead of trashing an author's hard work.|||I'm looking forward to a series/movie based on Steven King's the Dark Tower series. But I heard rumours that such a project was already in the works.

Also, the OP is definately not here to talk about anything GW related, so yeah it's a plant. But in this case, I don't think it matters. Go ahead and make our favourite books into movies.|||hubby has wanted the Red Mars and sequels made into movies for some time.

I was hoping for the Amber series ( Zelazny) and then I would like to see the Deryni series (K Kurtz) made into movies. Also would like to see the rest of the Dune novels---ALL of them even the ones his kids wrote after he died

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