Monday, April 16, 2012

Bin Laden is dead.

How long until someone takes his place?|||Finally got a tip that worked, heh. Well, its good to see such an icon among terrorism go down; though he probably will be viewed as a courageous martyr now by followers (whats new), in any case...


On a side not, I find it funny how often Obama is prefacing what he says right now with, "I did...".

Bush is probably cursing at home.


Another side note, seeing that Bin Laden is dead, lets gtf out and go home!


And still yet, even another side note, kudos to those serving in the US military. I am glad they were the ones to find him.|||It's scary. Almost everyone I know is cheering about this. I understand, honestly I do, but we need to remember that we're talking about death here. And we're cheering for it.

My thing is this: After 9/11, these people were in the streets cheering about all the people they killed. Now we're doing the same. I get that we're "getting justice done" and what have you, but they think we're the enemy... it's all how you look at it, no?|||Quote:

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It's scary. Almost everyone I know is cheering about this. I understand, honestly I do, but we need to remember that we're talking about death here. And we're cheering for it.

My thing is this: After 9/11, these people were in the streets cheering about all the people they killed. Now we're doing the same. I get that we're "getting justice done" and what have you, but they think we're the enemy... it's all how you look at it, no?

I disagree. Seeing that Bin Laden was an extremist, I do not see his cause being excused in the least with, "all how you look at it".

Is everyone right now celebrating blood lust? Some maybe (and I would agree, that is wrong), but for me (and I do believe for a whole lot of other people) this is a killing of a media figure, bad memories, strife, pain over lost loved ones, fear, and so much more; this is what I will be celebrating.

I do agree though, even though this guy was evil, life is life, and it is still sad to see it wasted (though most if not all that waste imo is due primarily in what Bin Laden used his own life to accomplish. He himself, had already wasted his life. The US military sealed it).|||The difference is that bin Laden is/was a militarist fanatic, and most of those who were killed in the 9/11 attacks were just normal "innocent" people who just happened to be in wrong place at the wrong time. If he really was the mastermind behind these attacks, I'm not sorry at all to hear that he's finally dead.

It's a bit different to cheer about the death of 3000 civilians than one person who actually was responsible for killing those people... in my opinion, anyway. Yes, we're still talking about death here, and life is life (na na nanana), but the life of such a person isn't worth much if you ask me.

Oh, and I would have been happier if they had caught bin Laden alive and put him behind the bars for the rest of his life, now he'll become a martyr and who knows what his fanatic followers will do.|||In before; The President of the US of A is dead?


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cheering about Bin Laden's death & stuff

I was wondering why there was more of a bar crowd tonight, walking by my apartment and talking loudly... (which is usually just a Saturday night or holiday thing)

Being glad that it finally happened is normal, maybe using it as an excuse to go out on a Sunday night is one thing. Gathering en masse in D.C. in numbers large enough to draw international press, maybe not so much. That's when we might look just like the "other side."|||Quote:

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we need to remember that we're talking about death here. And we're cheering for it.

No, we're not cheering for death (well, some are, I suppose, but those people are really no better than he was). We're cheering because without bin Laden (who, one must admit, was an genius when it came to organizing and employing a worldwide terror network), al-Qaeda, an enemy of humanity itself, will be much weaker. Yes, it is unfortunate that it had to be done through someone's death, even his, but on the other hand his death possibly saved the lives of hundreds, maybe thousands.

We're cheering for life.|||And now they've gone and buried him at sea already (apparently), to make sure that the conspiracy theorists will have something to talk about until the end of the world... They'd better have some reliable/unbiased evidence that it really was Osama bin Laden that they killed and buried.

Also: well said, raspberry jam.|||Quote:

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And now they've gone and buried him at sea already (apparently), to make sure that the conspiracy theorists will have something to talk about until the end of the world...

What? Now why the hell did they do that (doesn't make sense to me)? Shoot, Hussein practically had a full body cavity search posted in the media (though he was also alive at the time, and thus, I guess, the US couldn't pitch him in the ocean...).

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