Monday, April 16, 2012

To Toast, or not to Toast

Don't blame the musicians! |||If this is what I think it is, why wasn't this an "Obamanothernation" thread?|||Pfft silly formalities. It's kindergarden secret handshakes all over again.|||Sigh. I was hoping this was a thread about toast, to go with the Bacon thread. I'm very disappointed.

(Yes, a piece of singed bread is more interesting than what the president is doing. Or not doing, whichever.)|||She's all like "Hey this is my favorite song, I'll toast you later." *breaks into dance*|||Still doesn't top His Lightworker-ness thinking that it's still 2008.

"The Beast" bottoming out was too apt a description for contemporary America to be truly lol-worthy.|||My favorite: "Obama wrote 2008 instead of 2011 just to give the late night comics some new material."|||I hadn't seen this one - RAAAACIISSSTTTT!!!!!

|||Most people don't know this, but in 2008 Obama had a DNA sample taken to create a clone of himself. The clone had been taken out of its maturation chamber just a short while ago, and since Barack didn't want to visit the queen, he sent the clone instead. The clone only has Barack's memories up until 2008, so it is kind of confused.

There will be more clone related mishaps over the summer, culminating in a dramatic soap-opera-like reveal in October!|||Quote:

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Still doesn't top His Lightworker-ness thinking that it's still 2008.

"The Beast" bottoming out was too apt a description for contemporary America to be truly lol-worthy.

It is very clear that this man hates Obama no matter what.

He just hates; it's as simple as that.

Multiple Obamanationthreads, his constant pokes, his complete disdain in the rhetoric - it's clear, the white hot hatred is overloading his intellect.

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