Monday, April 16, 2012

Blizz takes another step down microtransaction road

I thought I'd toss this here just to see how people think of this.

Dunno how many follow what goes up with blizz and WoW, but they've been slowly offering more and more items via their in game store for people.

A recent idea that was fielded to the forums looks like it's blown up in their faces BIG TIME!

The jist of it is, Blizz is considering implimenting a new feature on the Looking for Dungeon tool, where, through their realID feature, you can contact friends on different servers, and link up with them via the DF tool, and then all do a dungeon together.

This has blow up for several different reasons, the first and foremost reason being that this would cost money to develop, and thus, be a part of a 'premium' service.

Which for me is like... "what? 15m profit a MONTH isn't enough for you guys?"

The other thing people are having issue with is the whole realID concept and implimentation to begin with. The fact that someone knows your email address, and thus, can see all your charas, and potentially have access to your account. (blizz has same thing like NCsoft, where you use your email address to log into your Bnet account. Only difference here is, Bnet has proven FAR far more secure)

10 threads at 25 pages each, in a 2 day period, and very few even marginal 'I can take it or leave it' posts, and even less 'sure I'd use it' posts, and everything else saying not just no, but 'HELL NO!', indicate this is an idea that will end up getting reworked.

But that they're considering a Premium subscription of sorts is not a good thing I would think, on a game that already has THE highest userbase, then all the other games out there COMBINED, to begin with.

I do note a few mentions in there about GW2 here and there, but they're very scattered. I have no doubt that NCsoft and Arenanet will be taking a good look at the result of this forumfragfest and see what results.|||It is a good idea, but seriously Blizz? Needing to pay for it? That's pretty low.|||If it was a one-time upgrade, I'd be all like fine whatever. But that it's upping the sub fee, NO WAY thieves.|||Even if it was a one-time upgrade I would be agaisnt it.

You're buying the game. You are paying a subscription. And you can't access the game's full features?

Bull****. This is obviously a milking scheme to draw even more money from the playerbase. Forget mounts, pets, server/name changes. Tjose are all cosmetic and that's ok. But charging for game features that, from what the playerbase says, should have been in the game a long time ago is plain ridiculous.|||Admittedly, playing WoW is pretty expensive and time-wasting, I'd expect more freebies than that. Also, GW is pretty cheap and time-efficient, I'd expect less freebies than we're getting.

I hope people wake up to what a rip-off WoW is when GW2 hits the stores. I don't mind if people prefer WoW over GW (there's something to say for taste and familiarity), but at the very least they should start petitions for lower prices etc.|||Quote:

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Admittedly, playing WoW is pretty expensive and time-wasting, I'd expect more freebies than that. Also, GW is pretty cheap and time-efficient, I'd expect less freebies than we're getting.

wat|||Just saying that we're getting more value for our buck with ANet than with Blizz. imo

I'll shuttup now on this topic.|||Quote:

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You pay a monthly fee for WoW and Alaris' opinion seems to be he isn't getting enough "bang for his buck".

On the other hand, GW doesn't have a monthly fee and we still get quite a bit of actual content on a regular basis.|||Content on a regular basis?

If that was true, I'd still be playing gw. As it is, here's a typical gw session:

Load the game. Map to Lion's Arch int 1 if I'm not there already. Run circles around the town while talking to people (if anyone I know is online). If no one is online, log off.|||Quote:

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Content on a regular basis?

If that was true, I'd still be playing gw. As it is, here's a typical gw session:

Load the game. Map to Lion's Arch int 1 if I'm not there already. Run circles around the town while talking to people (if anyone I know is online). If no one is online, log off.

War In Kryta, Keiran Missions, upcoming Winds of Change, Dhuum,...

Yeah, it's all PvE, but still, considering how long the game has been going on and its likely diminished sales, you can say you got your money's worth out of what you paid for the game easily and still are.

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