Monday, April 16, 2012

Windows 8

Jeez, I just went over to 7 a few months ago.

Well, I tried to embed the video, but I probably still can't figure out how to do it. Anyway, here's the article.|||Already? Hmm. . .

/Linux.|||Looks kinda appy. I don't see gamers getting on board with this unless it's faster than it looks. (higher graphical UI overhead, though I'm assuming here) Win7 is pretty decent for gaming, so I'd need a lot of convincing to jump ship. Maybe MS wants to be more like Apple and release their OS upgrades more often.

Regardless, at least MS is trying to do something different. Innovation is good for the market, even if it's awkward at first.|||I haven't even gone to 7 yet...

Mixed, use [*youtube] (video code, the one in the address bar) [/*youtube] without the stars.|||oh god please let it more like XP, i so hate vista and 7 for there linux likeness. (half the things don't work, dos games are useless, no windows basic, etc...)


watched the video.......this is Ilinux...........what happened to windows?|||Relevant link:


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oh god please let it more like XP, i so hate vista and 7 for there linux likeness. (half the things don't work, dos games are useless, no windows basic, etc...)

Because Windows 7 was clearly aimed at DOS gaming enthusiasts... I just use DOSbox when the need arises. (which is pretty much never...) Win7x64 has been fine for my gaming. Faster than my XP install, actually.|||Quote:

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Jeez, I just went over to 7 a few months ago.

Well, I tried to embed the video, but I probably still can't figure out how to do it. Anyway, here's the article.

To embed a video, take the Youtube URL of the video:

Now chop off everything except what comes past the "?v=" and any other additonal link tags such as "&feature=player_embedded" so you get:


Then just wrap that in Youtube tags.

Anyway, there goes my plan to switch to 7 in the next couple of months. Means I'm still stuck with Vista...|||Seems like it's only a useful upgrade for touchscreen computing, ea, nothing I currently own.|||How are vista and Win 7 like linux at all? Tell me the similarities, because I'd prefer if they'd be more like how I know linux, without all the retarded help messages and questioning of my authority to do **** with my hardware and whether I really, really, really am sure if I mayhaps want to do it.

If they could spend 50% less ressources on making their OS retard friendly, it'd be so much more smooth and would be out so much quicker.|||Oh, my. They'd finally seemed to be on the right page with Windows 7, and now this. I really wish they'd make an OS geared towards experienced users rather than trying to woo the Apple crowd. If I wanted such an interface, I'd get a tablet or a mac. I'm sure we can expect more babysitting from Microsoft as well.

Also, touch-screen on a desktop, really? Because I've always wanted to crouch over my desk and cover my screen with oily fingerprints. /sarcasm

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