Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Stripping Corporations of Constitutional Rights

People say I'm nuts because I believe things are starting to change in our country (the US).

In Wisconsin, steps are being taken to start stripping corporations of constitutional rights. This appears to include some measures to help curb lobbying: Corporations won't be allowed to contributed to political campaigns and there might be limits to the amount of money that can be contributed to campaigns in general.

*Fingers crossed*|||Quote:

Corporations won't be allowed to contributed to political campaigns and there might be limits to the amount of money that can be contributed to campaigns in general.

Sounds good to me.|||Me too. I like this:


“RESOLVED, the City of Madison, Wisconsin, calls for reclaiming democracy from the corrupting effects of undue corporate influence by amending the United States Constitution to establish that:

1. Only human beings, not corporations, are entitled to constitutional rights, and

2. Money is not speech, and therefore regulating political contributions and spending is not equivalent to limiting political speech.”|||Let LibertyP come in here and explain why stopping buying politicians is unconstitutional and will lead to the end of days and the Biblical Armageddon. Never mind the fact that Jmerv is most likely all for Armageddon and Rapture.

EDIT was applied...|||Corporations have constitutional rights in the United States? Without being mentioned in the constitution at all? |||Quote:

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Me too. I like this:

I'll second that. A start to getting back to the sort of democracy the country was founded to be. Not the plutocracy we seem to be headed towards.|||Quote:

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Corporations have constitutional rights in the United States? Without being mentioned in the constitution at all?

Yup, and it's severely distorted our political spectrum. At both "ends", I might mention, because unions and other interest groups play the same games and hide behind the same protections that corporations do. That's really what much of the hatred from RDarken's pals in Wisconsin was about; the unions defend their rights to use confiscatory dues to reward (Democrat) political buddies regardless of what the members actually want.

B.E. will probably chime in soon, "personhood" is a hot-button topic with him.

IMO this is a very good idea, but in implementation will need to be guarded against corruption - much like McCain-Feingold, things that sound really good can cause more problems when they actually take effect.|||The Corporation|||I think someone needs to explain to them the whole idea behind "constitutional rights." Barring an overturning by the Court or an amendment, Citizens United will render this law unconstitutional. I'm all for barring corporations from political contributions, but this is just bizarre.|||Our politicians need to be reminded that they are elected to represent the people. The real problem right now is that the general voting public is made up of morons. These morons vote in politicians who think that giving tax breaks to the wealthy will somehow magically create jobs and fix the economy. The truth is that if anyone making over 200,000 a year is going to spend money - they would already have the money to spend. Giving them tax breaks just adds to the money they are sitting on, that they don't even need. The way to get the money back into economy is to give it to those who will actually spend it.

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