Monday, April 16, 2012

Then all of a sudden: zombies!

New popular game on other forums: Zombies suddenly burst into your living room, and the weapon to your left is now your only means of defence. What is it?

*looks to the left*

Oh hell, a pack of butter, a bread knife, a PS3 and a toy alien queen?

I'm screwed aren't I? Well I'm not sacrificing the PS3 that's for sure! I'll bravely face those zombies while dual wielding a pack of butter and a bread knife. Take that you zombie bastards!

|||A table, a lamp, and a kid.

*wacks zombies with lamp, runs to sais*

Yes, I actually have a pair of sais on my TV.|||If we exclude the window,

it'd be a ladder, chair and broom.|||Thank you for saying "left". My pirate cutlass is on a display stand over there, on top of my entertainment center.

Now if you'd said "right", I might be in trouble.|||Wood & metal lamp should be sufficient to break a few skulls. Or push one over into my glass coffee table. I don't think my drawing T-Square will do a lot, despite being swingable... (my bokken is in the next room)|||Guitar stand, two 20-lb. iron dumbells and a 40 of Steel Reserve malt liquor courtesy of one of my son's friends.

I could do some serious smashing with those dumbells, and have a crappy drink afterward to celebrate. Prop one of the zombies on the guitar stand for viewing.|||Ah crap, all I got is my wallet and a coffee to my left.

I guess I'll give them all my money.

Now leave me alone zombies.|||mm I'll go for my swiss army pocket knife and desk lamp for main weapon set and pick up my spray can of deodorant and lighter as secondary weaponset, bring it on undead hordes!|||Well, I have the choice of a couple of DVDs, an Xbox 360 controller, a used 9 volt battery, a USB cable and an empty bottle of coke.

Yeah, I think I'm screwed.|||, *looks left*

Turkish rug ... well ****!

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