Monday, April 16, 2012

Mom gives 8-year-old daughter Botox injections

Because there are still too few insane/lulzworthy topics around.

Source with video


SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) -- A San Francisco mother is drawing criticism for giving Botox injections to her 8-year-old daughter.

Kerry Campbell says her daughter Brittany asked for the injections and the practice is common in the world of child beauty pageants.

"You know, a lot of the moms there, they're giving their kids Botox, and it's pretty much like the thing," Kerry Campbell said.

Brittany's mother is an aesthetician and says she herself gets Botox injections and says they are safe.


Is this even legal? I mean, Botox effectively is a nerve toxin. It's medical use is to decrease activity in overactive muscles and the cosmetic use is to prevent wrinkles on old women, but an 8-year old? Did anyone research this so she doesn't end up with a paralysed face by the time she hits 30? It's apparently on a monthly basis, though the source article doesn't state it, haven't found a better English source (yet). That can't be healthy knowing 90 nanograms of it can kill an average 90 kg person (ty Wikipedia).|||F**, f***, f***, f***.....there are no other words. Of course, I hate child beauty pageants, or rather what they've become.|||I'm sure she looks eight years younger.|||As long as it's not illegal... And this woman should be put in the institution.|||FU to moms who care more about child beauty pageants than they do their own kids.|||Child beauty pageants are ****ing horrifying. Someone I went to highschool with got into makeup and all that ridiculous ****, and some time ago they changed their profile picture to that of a little kid all done up to look like a 50 year old cougar. I almost gagged a little.|||Ew, nasty.|||And they say mothers are natural parents.

Score one for fathers.|||Well, atleast the people that use Botox, and those that proscribe it are equally insane.

Poor child. Aren't there any laws against this kind of abuse?|||Quote:

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And they say mothers are natural parents.

Score one for fathers.

Confirmed, dads have never done anything bad for their kids.

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