Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Obama Nation: Shutdown!

Ok, children, this is something most of you are probably not old enough to remember. The U.S. Gov't has shut down before, occasionally due to inclement weather, and the most memorable instance was in 1996 when Newt Gingrich led the GOP against Bill Clinton. Clinton came out on top, in no small part because Gingrich admitted it was a personal issue as well as the economy being substantially different.

Of course, circumstances are everything. The new left, lead by Harry Reid and THE ONE (with Pelosi and Schumer trotting in their wake), are licking their chops in anticipation that history will repeat itself exactly, and that John Boehner and the GOP will be destroyed in the resulting foo-frah. This may be an unsafe assumption, particularly given the fact that this is happening because the Democrats failed in their basic responsibility to even discuss a budget and have the ability to resolve this issue with another "continuing resolution".

The most obvious result is that the District of Columbia will come to a standstill. But when the gub'mint cheese stops flowing, tempers will rise.

Do you believe that we can pull a "Belgium", or somehow not suffer any serious consequences from the approaching deadline (March 4th)?|||Wait... the one failed to discuss a budget and they're in trouble because of THAT? *looks at Bush's administration*|||Quote:

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Wait... the one failed to discuss a budget and they're in trouble because of THAT? *looks at Bush's administration*

It's quite a bit more dire, at this point, than the usual pong game we resort to in this forum of comparing Dems to GOP and left to right. There is serious trouble a'brewin', and our government is frozen in stasis, playing games with the time and money of the people who elected them. At this rate, I can see us joining those countries revolting against inept governments before much longer.

Right now it's the Democrats acting like idiots. Eventually, the Republicans will get their chance, and likely find their own way to Do It Wrong. I don't trust any of them.|||Quote:

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Do you believe that we can pull a "Belgium", or somehow not suffer any serious consequences from the approaching deadline (March 4th)?

I should have known that America would try to pull something like this, you guys can never settle for second place in anything. Always have to be #1. But you have a long wait (250+ days) ahead of you before you can get the world record from the Belgians. Assuming that they can manage to get a government together by then, that is...|||Quote:

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Wait... the one failed to discuss a budget and they're in trouble because of THAT? *looks at Bush's administration*

Nononono - <Pelosi> failed to discuss a budget. THE ONE just signs off on the final product. However, the budget He has proffered is ludicrous (I posted the graph in the funny pictures thread), while the GOP is being beaten up by the Tea Party caucus and told to cut deep and cut now.


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Eventually, the Republicans will get their chance, and likely find their own way to Do It Wrong.

Pfftt - they had their chance during the Bush administration, and blew it. Even if they weren't responsible for the meltdown they certainly didn't rein in any of the excesses that led to it.


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Assuming that they can manage to get a government together by then, that is...

I look forward to receiving the prize that was passed to Belgium by Iraq.|||I hope the government does close, the longer the better. They really don't do anything when they are there except waste our money.

No need to have anyone in the office more than a month or so every other year, maybe less.|||Quote:

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I hope the government does close, the longer the better. They really don't do anything when they are there except waste our money.

Obviously this is a silly statement, because we are so heavily dependent on the socialist aspects of our nation that you can't just "pull the tooth" in this manner.


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No need to have anyone in the office more than a month or so every other year, maybe less.

That's one reason this may backfire on the socialists - the checks that generally constitute "gubmint cheeze" are only issued on some occasions, with Direct Deposit being the mandated norm.

But wouldn't it be interesting if they somehow finagled the time to align with a tax refund?

EDIT - Commentary here on the Senate going on a 10-day vacation. Yeah, they sure think this is a serious issue...

EDIT 2 - Details from the AP. Seems like they, too, don't believe this is as serious as some do. Dunno, I've been told I may not be showing up for work on the 4th.

EDIT 3 (and last) - The GOP plan according to Bill Kristol. It's smart. Too smart. I expect spontaneous Leftist hypocrisy to erupt as the Democrats and Executive are given exactly what they claim to have asked for.|||"Crisis" averted.


WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Republican-controlled House is on course to pass legislation cutting federal spending by $4 billion and averting a government shutdown for two weeks. And Senate Democrats say they will go along.

Of course, for political junkies like myself, the good stuff is found towards the bottom of the cup:


The plan Republicans are floating today sounds like a modified version of what Democrats were talking about. We’re glad they think it’s a good idea.|||Now lets see if Dirty Harry actually votes for the "modified" plan. That would mean being bi-partisan, not really sure he is capable.|||Jmerv, did you ever consider what Jesus would do?

Your religious fervor seems to be in direct opposition to your overgrown political ideology.

The level of hypocrisy, this combination of diametrically opposed world views provides, would drive a sane and a thinking man off the reservation.

Yet, you seem to be ok, on the surface.

This leads me to conclude that either 1) you really don't think, 2) you really don't care.

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