Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Palin-nation: Congresswoman shot; palin taking heat

Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona was shot in the head Saturday when an assailant opened fire outside a grocery store during a meeting with constituents, killing at least five people and wounding at least 10.

Giffords was listed in critical condition--the bullet went straight through her brain--but the hospital said her outlook was "optimistic" and that she was responding to commands from doctors. The hospital said a 9-year-old child was among the killed, and a U.S. Marshal said a federal judge was also fatally shot in the attack.

Giffords spokesman C.J. Karamargin said an unspecified number of her staff members were injured in the shooting. Congressional officials said an aide to the Democrat was killed.

Police say the shooter was in custody, and was identified by people familiar with the investigation as Jared Lee Loughner, 22. Pima County Sheriff's officials said he used a pistol to carry out the shooting spree.

And people are very quickly noting that a graphic featuring many congressional seats were to be 'targeted', on palin's web site.

That graphic has since been removed.


This is the internet, where you can't just remove something and expect it to be gone.

|||Hey, at least all the victims will get the treatment they need due to the free health ca- oh wait... oops, lol america.|||well good news is the bullet passed through her head, so it didn't rattle around and get stuck in there.

I'm sure there's a joke in there that you don't need all your brains to work for congress, but fact of the matter is, if it didn't go through, she'd be much worse off, if not likely dead.

It's basicly raw luck she's alive. How she recovers after this... remains to be seen.

And there is some SERIOUS hate going against palin now.

Her facebook page is even getting besieged. When the fact she had a picture of this woman in crosshairs in some other image, with the statement, 'don't retreat, reload', that just...

siiigh. Personally, I hope this brings Sarah DOWN, and down for good.

The other casualty of all this will be the resulting removal of any easy access to our congresspeople, outside of filtered emails and security laden town hall meetings.|||It's a **** storm out there alright.

As for the Palin hit list, of course it's going to be a hell of a thing to try to prove that it was directly or even indirectly responsible for this incident. But it does show how irresponsible it is, they've had that thing up there this whole time but only took it down after this shooting. It's been pointed many times before how potentially dangerous these fear inciting tactics could be. We've seen it happen before with violence against abortion doctors.|||Not to make light of this, but....

Does anyone else find it ironic the woman shot through the head survived? Kinda flies in the face of logic.|||Quote:

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Not to make light of this, but....

Does anyone else find it ironic the woman shot through the head survived? Kinda flies in the face of logic.

Survived, but at what capacity? I'm sure getting a bullet through the dome means she won't be running any marathons or doing advanced calculus anytime soon.|||Political rhetoric is only meant to excite something that already exists within the masses. Looking for a scapegoat, after a tragedy such as this, is beyond lame.|||From reading the title, I thought this was a copycat Dick Cheney move.

That image of Palin's is not too bright (big surprise there)...|||What I find interesting is all the people who are defending her saying 'it's a metaphor stupid!' or 'they're not crosshairs...'.

The thing I'm wondering on, will this force people to take a serious look at things they say and mean, or will it just degenerate into rhetoric even further, and force the tea party people into a corner.|||Quote:

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The thing I'm wondering on, will this force people to take a serious look at things they say and mean, or will it just degenerate into rhetoric even further[?]

Is this a rhetorical question?

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