Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Meanwhile, back at the settlement... (NSFW, I'd hope)

"Israel Approves Settlement Construction" is apparently how the NYT covered this story.

�The children were literally slaughtered,� an IDF officer said, describing the scene, including the children�s toys spilled out on the floor and covered in blood. �This is one of the most brutal attacks we have ever seen.�

Ace of Spades also includes a link to video, for any of you wishing to enjoy it even more.

You folks wonder <why> I rage about attitudes and morals? Because there are those among you who would make equivocations about this.|||You're absolutely right, I can't believe that some people would use a murder to justify more illegal settlements. As if the best way to stop terrorism was to oppress the terrorist's country even more.|||Quote:

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"Israel Approves Settlement Construction" is apparently how the NYT covered this story.

“The children were literally slaughtered,” an IDF officer said, describing the scene, including the children’s toys spilled out on the floor and covered in blood. “This is one of the most brutal attacks we have ever seen.”

Ace of Spades also includes a link to video, for any of you wishing to enjoy it even more.

You folks wonder <why> I rage about attitudes and morals? Because there are those among you who would make equivocations about this.

One, this isn't about you or us. Almost all your threads have you playing some sort of victim and everyone else the horrible perpetrators. Get over yourself.

Two, Drec already covered the part using a murder to justify illegal settlements. And funny how you glance over this part while accusing everyone else of turning a blind eye to the murders.|||Quote:

You folks wonder <why> I rage about attitudes and morals? Because there are those among you who would make equivocations about this.

Part of me wants to sit up straight in my chair and say "Just who the F*** do you think you are?"

Then I remember, you're a forum troll.

And I get over it.

By the way: "Meanwhile, back at the settlement..." is a nice choice. I can almost see you chuckling about these murders. Stay classy, internet forum troll.|||Quote:

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"Israel Approves Settlement Construction" is apparently how the NYT covered this story.

Maybe I read a different story yesterday (I doubt it) but it seems the link you quote has some trouble copy-pasting because the title was:


Israel: New Settlement Housing After Bloody Attack|||Quote:

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Maybe I read a different story yesterday (I doubt it) but it seems the link you quote has some trouble copy-pasting because the title was:

Good catch. Gee, who's omitting things out now? In before conspiracy about the NYT changing the title after learning of J's rant.|||Quote:

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You're absolutely right, I can't believe that some people would use a murder to justify more illegal settlements. As if the best way to stop terrorism was to oppress the terrorist's country even more.

Way to validate my position, Drec, and on the first response even.

And here I thought nobody would go there until I'd seen at least a couple of pages worth of:


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Part of me wants to sit up straight in my chair and say "Just who the F*** do you think you are?"

Then I remember, you're a forum troll.


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Maybe I read a different story yesterday (I doubt it) but it seems the link you quote has some trouble copy-pasting because the title was:

You'll notice I linked to the blogger who identified the previous title (presumably when it was published on the 12th), rather than to the retitled piece itself. If you hurry, you can still find the piece with the original title referred through Google. A fuller quote (from the first paragraph) is,


Israel responded defiantly Sunday to a bloody Palestinian assault against West Bank settlers by approving construction of new settlement housing, retaliating for the stabbing deaths of a father, mother and three small children with a measure that infuriated Palestinians and, together with the attack, threw already shaky peace efforts into a new tailspin.

EDIT - apparently the Israeli gov't press office took offense at CNN essentially using air quotes about the nature of the slaughter...

EDIT 2 - I'm looking for the original article, found at

"" rather than the newer scrubbed version. Here's a cache entry, but I'd prefer finding a more complete version.|||Quote:

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Part of me wants to sit up straight in my chair and say "Just who the F*** do you think you are?"

Then I remember, you're a forum troll.

And I get over it.

My feelings exactly. I was going to point out that the linked article isn't even to a NYTimes article, but Praetorian got there first. I wonder what the motivation behind the blogger's deception is.|||Quote:

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EDIT 2 - I'm looking for the original article, found at

"" rather than the newer scrubbed version. Here's a cache entry, but I'd prefer finding a more complete version.

Someone, please help me out here. Am I missing something? The cached version with the supposedly original version of the NYTimes article isn't even a NYTimes article but something called Newsbucket.

Or is this just another case of J trying to pull a fast one with his dishonest tactics?|||So, I Googled "Israel Approves Settlement Construction" (quotes included) to try and figure this out. A bunch of articles with the "Bloody Attack" title come up. I found one with the "Approves Settlement Construction" headline, but all of these reference "Associated Press" as the source (Josef Federman, to be exact). Which leads me to believe that the article in question wasn't even written by NYTimes. All articles I saw have the same text, so it's possible that the less sensational (and inaccurate) title was up, but it would have been up across multiple news sources. So either the blogger has something against the NYT or didn't do very much research.

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