Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Toronto: Pocket dialing reaching epic proportions


People's butt-cheeks are one of the culprits making up to 300 emergency calls in Toronto every day, and police say it could be putting people's lives at risk.

Toronto police spokesperson Judy Broomfield from Toronto police says the situation has reached "epic proportions," with operators getting about 100,000 emergency calls every year.

But it is not only pocket dials the force wants to pull the plug on. Children playing with the speed dial buttons on their parent's phone is also a concern emergency operators could deal without.

And the story goes on. I'm always hearing about pocket dialing and quite frankly, I don't see any excuse for it. Your butt must be putting some major pressure on the buttons to auto-dial someone, or it's very talented at dialing an actual number. Simple solution - don't keep your phone in your pocket. Or at least, not the back pocket. For one, it wouldn't be comfortable to sit on, two it might break, and three you get this situation. Women can carry them in their purses easily, just hang on to the thing. It's not hard, trust me. As for kids having your phones...just another example of bad parenting. Kids shouldn't be playing with your cell phones, nor should they have their own at a certain age (I've seen 5-year-olds running around with their own cell phones).

Another simple solution - like the article says, lock the thing when you're not using it. If you have such a busy schedule that you have to leave it unlocked because the phone's ringing 24/7, either you're working too hard, partying too much, or have no life outside of texting. Well okay, that may be stretching it, and I've never had to use my lock feature because I've never had an issue, so I'm not entirely sure how those things work, but...yeah. Some of the people I see are on their phones all the time because they have no other life (and it isn't for work).

So this whole scenario could easily be avoided if people used their heads for something besides an ear spacer. I just posted this here because pocket-dialing is something I hear about a lot. Thoughts?|||Thoughts:

Kids sometimes get hold of things. I wouldn't outright decide a parent is parenting badly based on a cell-phone incident.

Putting anything substantial in a back pocket is something I could never understand; wallets, cell phones, whatever.

I think it's rather humorous that butt-dialing is reaching epidemic proportions. Oh sorry...epic proportions.|||That's true, but if kids do get ahold of it, that's another reason to lock it. As long as they don't break it, no harm should come of it.

I know the feeling, why put anything in your back pocket? If you must use a pocket, use the side ones. That's what I do, when my purse isn't in use.

And yeah, it is pretty funny. Butt-dialing, eek! It is pretty funny, unless a cop is checking out a bogus butt-dialed call when someone really needs them for a true emergency.|||Quote:

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And yeah, it is pretty funny. Butt-dialing, eek! It is pretty funny, unless a cop is checking out a bogus butt-dialed call when someone really needs them for a true emergency.

Well...I'm thinking funny like in, aren't there some murders or robberies that would be a bit higher up on the priority list than tracking down randomly vicious gangs of buttocks?|||Very true. I can see it now - The Butt Dial Gang Strikes Again! That would be an interesting gang tattoo...|||Maybe some people just have really bony bums. Like fingers. But on your arse.|||Arsefingers. It's catchy.|||On Blackberries, the "Emergency" button is right underneath the "Unlock" button. I've called 911 accidentally a handful of times because of it.|||Quote:

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On Blackberries, the "Emergency" button is right underneath the "Unlock" button. I've called 911 accidentally a handful of times because of it.

Never heard of a dedicated emergency button before.|||Yeah, when you click it, it says "Are you sure you want to make an emergency call?" [Yes/No]. So all it takes is two accidental button presses to call emergency.

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