Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Lower test requirements for police recruitment?

Anything for minorities, I guess. At first glance.


DAYTON -- The Dayton Police Department is lowering its testing standards for recruits.

It's a move required by the U.S. Department of Justice after it says not enough African-Americans passed the exam.

What this article does not seem to say, but I have to wonder about, is:

Do they have to change the test requirements because African-Americans are the majority of applicants, as in: not enough people are passing the test because Caucasians aren't even applying, and they need the recruits desperately?

Seems to me that if they want the police force buffed up, a fair compromise would be to offer additional classes to help anyone interested beef up their test scores. Make them smarter. Whip them into shape if they want to be police badly enough, don't lower the requirements and end up with a half-@ssed bunch of public servants.|||Some tests have content that favours given races (culturally-biased tests) so it makes sense to "adjust" for this bias. However, I don't see why a police test would be racially biased.

Did they have questions like this? "You see a black person driving an expensive car, you (a) arrest him, (b) check the plate to see if the car has been reported, or (c) do nothing."

Bad joke is still funny. Besides, I'm making fun of police racism, which makes it ok.

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