Thursday, April 12, 2012

Make Your Own Jedi!

[:1] Yeah, I'm also a StarWars fan too, and I've gathered my info from StarWars Wiki, and so here is my Jedi in full detail...

Name: Lord Vakalas

Race: Kaleesh (not cyborg)

Occupation: Scavenger/Hunting Jedis and Siths to learn all the fighting styles and to seek revenge on Obi-Wan Kenobi

Family: Half-Brother of General Grievous

Weapon of Choice: Blue Electrum Lightsaber (right hand) and a Red LightDagger (left hand)

Lightsaber Style: Trakata, Jar'Kai, Medium style

Lightsaber Detail:

Mjollnir (Right Hand)


Primary Crystal~Diamond for Strength

Secondary Crystal~Blue Crystal

Back-Up Crystal~Krayt Pearl

-Dead-man switch-Whenever not in my hand, cannot be turned on unless it is recognized by my Force and voice.

-Blade-Length Adjuster customized by Darth Maul

Hilt: Slight Curved, with spikes around the Hand-Guard

3'5" Length

25 Millimeters Diameter



Primary Crystal~Diamond for Strength

Secondary Crystal~Red Crystal

Back-up Crystal~Krayt Pearl

-Dead-man switch-Whenever not in my hand, cannot be turned on unless it is recognized by my Force and voice.

-Switch Customized by Kit Fisto, making the LightDagger turn into a Lightwhip

Hilt: Slightly Curved, with a full Hand-Guard

2' Length

20 Millimeters Diameter


History: I was born on the planet of Kalee.I grew up in a small family, but adopted General Grievous as my "half brother". Grievous and I were close friends, and that is how I got my rank as Lord. He died while he was ambushed by Obi-Wan Kenobi, and I seek revenge to kill him myself. I found his dead body. I took his helmet as a token of my memory with him, and I wear it this day. I wear a hood over it, because I do not want people to mock at him.

Side: Neither

Known Moves:

Before any move, Force Rage, Force Valor, Battlemind

Force Projection + Illusion + Shiak

Extreme Force Horror + Force Breach (if struggles) + Force Suppression

Shun+ Sun Djem + Deadly Sight

Jung ma + Sai cha

Cho mak + Cho sun + Saber Throw

Sai + Shiak

Known Force Moves:


Illusion, Projection, Valor


Rage, Deadly Sight, Horror

Core: Farsight, Speed, Jump, Saber Throw, Battlemind, Concealment

Universal: Breath Control, Breach, Suppression

Weakness: Shins, Mockery about General Grievous, Ewoks

Teachers: General Grievous, Darth Maul, Yoda, Darth Sidious, Mace Windu, Count Dooku, Asajj Ventress
|||wow thats a lot of detail i dunno how other ppl are gonna be able to replicate that without sitting down for a few hours to think and research|||Maybe I should copy/paste my stats from KOTOR.....|||Light daggers?! Light whips?!?!?!

It weren't like that when I were a lad...*sighs*

*chews pipe*|||Quote:

Light daggers?! Light whips?!?!?!

It weren't like that when I were a lad...*sighs*

*chews pipe*

LoL, I got all this detail mostly from StarWars Wiki site thingy...|||light whips would be impossible... light doesnt bend and it certainly doesn't crack|||Quote:

light whips would be impossible... light doesnt bend and it certainly doesn't crack

light also doesnt cut people into little pieces, but lightsabers do ^_^|||Quote:

light doesnt bend

It does if you have a large enough gravity source...|||Why use a "light dagger" when you could use a normal lightsabre? I doubt a lightsabre is heavy enough to warrant needing a lighter weapon...|||Quote:

Why use a "light dagger" when you could use a normal lightsabre? I doubt a lightsabre is heavy enough to warrant needing a lighter weapon...

The Lightdagger is for "ninja" missions. Plus, it's also for hand to hand combat, like sometimes I'll use both lightsabers or sometimes I'll hide the Lightdagger until we get really close then I can use the Force and pull it out and stab 'em...LoL yep...

Also, this whole Jedi thing only took me like 10-20 minutes.

Here's stuff for Force Powers

And stuff for Lightsaber combat

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