Saturday, April 14, 2012

E3 2011 Official Thread of Coolness (with ponies)

[:1]Here's a thread for discussing this years Electronic Entertainment Expo.

Microsoft's press conference just ended and it was quite disappointing. Only new reveal was a "new trilogy of *drumroll* Halo 4. Not like we've seen enough of that already. Most of the stuff was about Kinect. Be it Kinect-only titles or something with an added layer of Kinect. One actually somewhat cool example was Mass Effect 3 with squad voice commands and choosing dialogue options by saying them out loud. Other cool game, in a tech-demo way was Ghost Recon: Future Warfare with Kinect-enabled customizing of weapons and then testing them out by changing your posture and waving your hand in a specific way.

Otherwise, nothing cool new things. Your opinions? The EA press conference starts in... 1h 15min. I'm waiting on more stuff for Battlefield 3 and Mass Effect 3.

Here be the ponies:

Edit: Oh, and Minecraft for Xbox360.|||Quote:

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One actually somewhat cool example was Mass Effect 3 with squad voice commands and choosing dialogue options by saying them out loud.

You mean something that actually only needs a microphone to work and not a redundant and gimmicky movement system which greatest discovered functionalities lay outside the field of gaming and could be done using other webcams with some of the same HW/SW available?

Who'd have thought...|||From what I remember when I spoke to the Battlefield teams, the newest title is going to be a lot more grown up, to be more like those other Xbox games.|||Ehh... great. Just delete me. Whoops.|||Quote:

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You mean something that actually only needs a microphone to work and not a redundant and gimmicky movement system which greatest discovered functionalities lay outside the field of gaming and could be done using other webcams with some of the same HW/SW available?

You know, for what it's worth, Kinect Adventures is really fun... Just don't go putting Kinectables(tm) (I want money for that) into every new game.


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From what I remember when I spoke to the Battlefield teams, the newest title is going to be a lot more grown up, to be more like those other Xbox games.

IMO, the only part of past Battlefield titles that wasn't 'grown up' was the single-player. Multi-player has consistently been superior to modern CoD. Then again, I prefer team-based stuff to the "peekaboo" style of Black Ops, etc.|||Quote:

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You know, for what it's worth, Kinect Adventures is really fun... Just don't go putting Kinectables(tm) (I want money for that) into every new game.

Oh I'm not saying there couldn't be fun games with the Kinect. Just that they shouldn't attribute a "new gameplay element" to it while clearly all it takes is a mike and voice recognition software.

It's also a bad idea because rarely, people want to scream at their TV what to do, especially if they're also foreign and don't completely master English pronunciation well. The idea isn't new, even the DS has some features like that, but most studios realise it's not a concept that will win over new players and don't spend their resources on it.

I somewhat fear for ME3 if they spent resources on something so minuscule yet time-consuming, did they have too much time or did they just copy-paste ME2 and added some glitter so they hope people don't notice?|||Those AAA titles have a lot more resources than you think. Ok, sure, the cash is better spent elsewhere imo, but still, I wouldn't be surprised to hear that they're getting extra for helping Kinect sales... Anything to reduce that Wii monopoly on cool peripherals.|||I'd pay to watch Alaris play a Kinect Slasher movie game.|||I'm pretty good at Wii Resort swordplay.|||The worst part of Halo 4 will be that Bungie isn't even making it, so the new company will try to "capture the essence" of the old games by not taking any risks and just rehashing the same stuff. At least Bungie took a risk with Halo Reach that I absolutely hated, but at least it wasn't just a clone of the other games.

also Mehtis that clip doesn't even make sense within the context of your post. I dunno about Finland but you normally say yay when you're happy, not questioning Microsoft.

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