Saturday, April 14, 2012

Vermont passing a law to provide healthcare to its residents


If it ends up passing (which, according to this article, is likely), people who live in Vermont will have healthcare. Not required to have healthcare, but will provided healthcare by the state.

|||[sarcasm] We can't have this, we can't! [/sarcasm]|||OMG Vermont is bringing slavery back! Universal healthcare is slavery!


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OMG Vermont is bringing slavery back! Universal healthcare is slavery!

ahahaha sure it is.

Who is this idiot anyways?|||That's Ron Paul's son.|||Wow that's twisting words.

Now, nobody forces him to take clients. Instead, as I understand it, the gov is providing a service whereby more clients can afford healthcare, right?

Does that not equate more clients that he as a physician can choose from?

The only downside is that as a population, you get discount on healthcare (because of higher numbers) and better bargaining power. So maybe his hourly wage will suffer a bit.|||Quote:

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That's Ron Paul's son.

|||Healthcare is a RIGHT!

God forbid anyone should ever have to earn and pay for what they use.

To be expected from The People's Republic of Vermont.|||Quote:

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If it ends up passing (which, according to this article, is likely), people who live in Vermont will have healthcare. Not required to have healthcare, but will provided healthcare by the state.

I just hope they're able to fund it in the long run. That's usually the problem with government healthcare.|||If we stopped paying politicians fat salaries with amazing healthcare and huge pensions, I'm pretty sure we would see the laws of this country (and the politicians' stances on these issues) change pretty quickly.

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