Monday, April 16, 2012

Harper Nation: Canada re-elects our version of Bush

The only government of all 54 Commonwealth nations that's ever been found in contempt of Parliament and we give them majority. Awesome job, Canada.

Of course it's also amusing how 40% of voters can be considered a majority.

It's going to be a long four years..|||Darn, when we re-elected ours, 49% of us tried our best.|||Wow, what a douche, based on that.|||It's less then 40%. Only 60% of the population voted so it's actually something around the low mid 20% voted for the guy if you factor that in but, the right wing always comes out and votes more then any other political demographic. Without proportional representation votes get split like crazy and don't reflect the actual sentiments of the population. Also, despite what the neo-cons here love to say, the media is totally in their back pocket. The whole system is owned by something like two or three companies that self edit themselves and really don't tell you anything about what's really going on.

I am so ****ing depressed about this. The most undemocratic guy we've ever seen can now do just about anything he wants and most people will never hear about it. I can only hope that he doesn't go too far and piss off too many people so that he can get re-elected and we can pull out of it with the next election.

You can't tell me this looks wrong when so many papers endorse one guy.,_2011

http://****|||Damn, I though Canada was a cool country, turns out you guys are just as bad as the rest of us.|||Quote:

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It's going to be a long four years..

I think it's hilarious, myself. Infighting amongst the bed-wetters propelling a (mediocre at best) conservative to victory? Priceless.


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Wow, what a douche, based on that.

Well, exactly. Given that Canuckistanians are hardly a conservative bunch (though they have far greater personal fortitude than your average latte-swilling American lefty), I'm quite surprised that this site doesn't have the stones to proudly say who sponsors it. It smacks of the sort of thing folks here scream themselves hoarse at me regarding.

Here's a nice quote from the AP article (by way of Breitbart),


Harper campaigned on a message that the New Democrats stood for higher taxes, higher spending, higher prices and protectionism. He called the election a choice between "a Conservative majority" and "a ramshackle coalition led by the NDP that will not last but will do a lot of destruction."|||Most of us aren't. We're just getting railroaded buy multinational lobbying pressure like the rest of the world. And as I said earlier, because of the corporatism that's creeped into everything around the world, there aren't multiple voices, just a few. The world is getting a weird kind of corporate communism. Big companies buy competitors and startups, consolidate power and leave people with little to no actual choice. Free market folks say you can just vote with your wallet but, when you have no other choice because there isn't any. How well does that work when a huge amount of people in the US watch FOX and shop at Wallmart because that's all they have? At least the "you can lie on the news" got shot down here a little while ago, that's so prevalent in the US.

This is what I fear is going to really start happening here. Our resources are really going to get sold off along with crown corporations, so we'll have no power over our land and policies. NAFTA really hurt us and now that we have a free market junkie running the show CETA is all but likely to happen which will do probably more harm then what NAFTA did.

We used to be looked on pretty highly around the world because of our (mostly) positive foreign policies. Now we're in the "me to" group with the US military, we're going to be right in there with the "shock and awe" military joy joy club.|||Quote:

Renamed 'The Government of Canada' to 'The Harper Goverment'

In late 2010, public servants from various departments confirmed that Stephen Harper has indeed renamed 'The Government of Canada' to 'The Harper Government'.

I want to be a Canadian prime minister too :(|||Canada's version of Bush is pretty tame in comparison. Don't expect us to bomb a country.

That being said... this guy sounds terrible. Maybe I sound pay attention to my country's politics.|||Quote:

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Most of us aren't. We're just getting railroaded buy multinational lobbying pressure like the rest of the world. And as I said earlier, because of the corporatism that's creeped into everything around the world, there aren't multiple voices, just a few. The world is getting a weird kind of corporate communism.


This is what I fear is going to really start happening here. Our resources are really going to get sold off along with crown corporations, so we'll have no power over our land and policies.

Yes. Not corporate communism, I wouldn't call it that, but losing that power... Yes. When state-owned companies are sold off, the result is that the citizens lose power over those companies. As you say, voting with your wallet isn't really possible sometimes, and doesn't mean the same sort of direct control anyway.

It's reversing to the late 1800s, in a way, and there's a reason why people tried so hard to change the situation back then.

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