Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pageant Contestants and opinions: a deadly (and often hilarious) combination

[:1]WARNING: The following videos may cause loss of brain cells and fits of rage. People wit remaining faith in humanity should take care not to lose too much of it.

Pretty sure most of you already know Ye Olde Classic:

Well here's another one: Should "Evolution" be taught in schools?

Parody: Should Math be taught in schools?

Admittedly, these are hard questions. In Belgium, we have something called "The Reykjavic Quiz" in a radio show, where newly elected Misses are asked the question "What is the capital of Iceland?".

They often get it wrong...|||rofl on the math one. Love thow they make fun of those above video.|||lol @ Miss VT in the Math video

I love the "Such as" girl. I love how she's in the middle of a non-sentence and stops to add "such as." You could just FEEL the coaching.|||Someone I had worked with in the past recently won Miss Maryland. I haven't heard her quoted as saying anything stupid. Yet. I don't think she'll end up at national events or have those kinds of interviews until next year's USA pageant, tho. So, there's time...|||I blew a gasket listening to the answers on the evolution one. But I regained my sanity when I watched the math one.|||Listening to the answers to the evolution question is painful. School is not about learning different opinions and picking which one you like. School is about learning science. Learning facts, not religion. So even a lot of the misses that support evolution seem to do so for entirely wrong reasons. It's not about learning all sorts of ideas, its about learning what we know.|||Agreed on the wrong reasons...

But hey, I always wondered why they ask these people these questions, aside for lulz.|||Quote:

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But hey, I always wondered why they ask these people these questions, aside for lulz.

For the same reasons why they ask them to make animal noises...(@1:12)

(not the Miss Maryland I was referring to...)

Pageant contestants aren't to be taken too seriously, considering the criteria that's earned them their status. Many of them are doing it for scholarships, at least at the early stages, so we can hope that they go on to do something useful with that.|||Quote:

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But hey, I always wondered why they ask these people these questions, aside for lulz.

Me too. Let's face it, they're in these pageants because of their +7 to eye-candy skillz tree, not for their cogitative capabilities.

Also, I tend to think plenty of these girls are quite intelligent, but faced with controversial questions during a possibly nerve-wracking session are likely to stumble sometimes and give garbled answers.|||Public speaking isn't easy, especially if you're not prepared for it... I'll give you that.

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