Monday, April 16, 2012

what's the worst movie ever?

I don't know why but, this movie came up today and I think it's probably worst movie I've ever partially seen. I haven't been able to watch it. I think it's worse then the StarWars Christmas special.

The Terror of Tiny Town. Yes, it's a midget musical comedy western.

The Forbidden Zone is probably a close second (or third, I've seen a lot of bad movies)

Ankle Biters has to be right up there to but, I have to see this one some time. A midget vampires movie sounds too good to pass up. It looks terrible though.

|||I'm not a movie connoisseur by any means, but I would say one of the worst modern movies I have EVER seen was Cabin Fever. Ugh. I went to bed the night after seeing it and literally was still angry about how terrible it was.

Worst movie ever, I dunno, I watch a lot of MST3K. The Touch of Satan was absolutely terrible, but it was probably the most hilarious MST3K I've ever seen.|||Speed 2 was pretty bad. Yeah - probably my favourite worst film ever.

-Art|||Gigli?????|||White Chicks was pretty bad, but I know it's not the worst movie I've ever seen.|||Isn't it "Manos: The Hands of Fate"?|||Highlander sequels as a whole. Take great concept, drag it through heaps upon heaps of dung over and over and over and over again.|||fast, without thinking a lot: Eddie Murphy's "Norbit"|||For me, it is any movie with a talking animal.|||Batman & Robin is pretty high up there. Kingdom of the Crystal Skull or any of the Star Wars prequels might be a close second. White Chicks is indeed also terrible. Just seeing the cover gives me cold shivers. Big Momma's House is also dreadful, and I remember this old B-movie called Nemesis.

On and lets not forget about Troll 2 and Highlander 2.

But the worst has got to be The Room with Tommy Wiseau!

"Hi doggy!"

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