Monday, April 16, 2012

WoW: Rise of the Zandalari Patch 4.1

By most accounts, patch 4.1 is going live today in Azeroth. A new trailer has appeared on Youtube.

Somewhat maligned for its "recycled" content, this patch adds two refurbished raids from previous expansions as new 5-man dungeons. There is no new raid content but some shiny new social features. Probably the most interesting of these from an observer's point of view is the Guild Finder.

From glancing at it, one immediate glaring flaw is that the "availability" attribute allow you to communicate almost nothing about your schedule. There's no slider for timezone, or hours of availability. Still, having an in-game way to publish your guild's needs and recruit new membership without standing in a capital spamming chat has got to be an improvement.|||WoW still seems more like a second job than a game to me.|||I find that video far more exciting than the one produced for Cataclysm.

Anything interesting to lvl 40 chars? I have a 10 day free trial I can use...|||Quote:

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WoW still seems more like a second job than a game to me.


Also, 10char|||Bella, no!

but yeah I just downloaded it I love ZG going to queue for it now weeee.

except maintenance got extended an extra hour and thirty.

but now Raise Ally is a brez. Everyone is going to love me!|||Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms...

It gives you extra loot if you are a role that is in demand. In other words, if the queue waiting times for dps gets too long, then tankers (and to a lesser extent healers) are given extra loot upon completion as additional incentive to join up the queue.

Although it's welcome (especially as I usually play healer anyways), I think it highlights one issue with trinity gameplay... that it gives certain roles a serious gameplay advantage. Mind you, healers enjoy this advantage in GW1 too.

I think GW2 might suffer from this less, but frankly, I think they'll reduce the problem but not eliminate it. Not that I'll complain, I like the roles people tend to avoid anyway, so I usually end up profiting from this asymmetry.

Plus, it gives me one more reason to fire up my WoW free trial offer.|||I hear they also added IPv6 support. Yay.

And I'm still amazed as to why millions of people play this, but apparently most people expect other things from games than I do.|||1) Because as far as social games go, this one's got the biggest population.

2) Because GW doesn't have persistent areas (yet) or races (yet) or trade halls (yet)

3) Because other sub-based MMOs have failed to really improve upon what WoW delivers, afaik.|||I could never get into WoW.

I checked out the 10-day trial pretty recently and, I will admit, I did not hate it like I did when I first played it. They've certainly made it less bland than my first romp through, but, I don't know, just doesn't do it for me. There aren't even really any classes that interest me; they seem pretty generic to me.|||My main issue remains that when it comes down to it, the actual gameplay core is not very challenging or interesting. Skill rotations without dodging? nty

If you put that aside though, it's a pretty decent game. Grind isn't that bad if you enjoy the gameplay, and the game is pretty polished and keeps getting updated. Mods also make it possible to customize to your liking too.

Plenty of pros for it, but my main con is a dealbreaker.

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