Saturday, April 14, 2012

Nu Image/Millennium And Lionsgate Team Up For Conan Film


Nu Image/Millennium Films has made a North American distribution rights deal with Lionsgate for a new film series based on the Robert E. Howard-created character Conan the Barbarian.

The first film will be written by the team of Thomas Dean Donnelly and Joshua Oppenheimer (�Sahara,� �Cowboys & Aliens�).

Kind of old news, but relevant, with the MMO being released.|||The original Conan movie with Ahnuld cannot be beat.|||Didn't they end the Arnold ones with him eventually becoming the king.

Dude really hates camels.

And horses.|||and im guessing Triple H the wrestler from WWE will play conan considering thats what his persona was about last year when there was all the rumours about a new film before.|||Thats the most recent article I could find, so no info on actors or anything else. Even IMDB has nothing.

Edit: Correction: Just found an interview with Frederik Malmberg of Paradox Entertainment.

Translation of relevant parts:


"Arnold Schwarzenegger will have to wait for the next movie"

Fredrik Malmberg has turned down Arnold Schwarzenegger. He refuses to let the governor of California make a come-back in the movie business as the warrior Conan. The part will go to a young and unknown actor.

Fredrik's company Paradox Entertainment bought the rights to the Conan-character six years ago, and now it's settled that there will be a new movie about him, but a little bit different than the 80's movies "Conan - The Barbarian" and "Conan - The Destroyer".

Your career started with role playing games. What kind of characters did you play?

- I played a game called "Call of Cthulhu" alot, a horror role playing game where I was an Indiana Jones-like investigator among scary, ocult demon worshippers. When I played fantasy games I usually wanted to be a great knight. But I realised quite fast that I probably was better as a publisher than a role player.

What role are you playing now?

- Right now I run Paradox, a rights-company, and work as a producer. We refine different kinds of rights for the experience-industry. The most known is Conan.

And you have the right to turn down "The Governator"?

- Yeah, he wanted to play the main part. He's said: "Wait two years until I've quit my job as governor." But we don't want to wait for two years - and we also don't want a 65 year old Conan. We've offered him a cameo as Conan's father, but he'll have to wait until the next movie. We're hoping there will be two, three, four movies.

Who will be the new Conan then?

- I'm a bit short, else I think I should be him. We're looking for someone with charisma who isn't necessarily known - and is a good actor rather than a body builder. Like Gerard Butler in "300" or Christian Bale in "Batman".

E-type is part owner in Paradox. Will he get a part?

- If he asks nicely he can play some viking-like character. He can stand there and swing a sword. But he can't play Conan, he looks a bit too old and skinny.

You're sitting on the rights to about a thousand characters. Are they all pensioners? Conan and the science fiction-hero Buck Rogers were both created in the 20's and 30's, for example.

- We have some younger stuff too, but if something works well in cycles it's probably because it's a classic story with classic characters, so it's "simply" all about re-packing it for a modern audience. Like Conan. The brand is probably stronger than ever. You can tell from the interest in the online game "Age of Conan", that will be released tomorrow.|||well ign said around the time of last year with conan that triple h would be the one but owell. i think he would fit the part pretty well too|||Ancient thread... arise from the dead...

Release day, August 19th. In 3D, of course.

"Red Band" trailer here:|||I want to like this movie but, I'm scared it's going to blow really hard. I hope it's at least feels like the old Howard books.|||Quote:

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I want to like this movie but, I'm scared it's going to blow really hard. I hope it's at least feels like the old Howard books.

Same here. Somehow the original captured a sense of mysticism and the underlying cruelty of mankind; I hope this new one can do the same, but I'm afraid it'll end up more like the Prince of Persia movie, which was more like a Disney flick.|||==> In 3D (when my cinema will charge me additional 2-3�, no thanks)

==> Actor could practice for Conan in Game of Thrones, where he grunted a lot as Khal Drogo

==> Bad guy from Avatar ... argh!

==> The original being a classic, despite its flaws (I could watch the opening scene with the village raid over an over again)

Not sure if I will see it, although I am tempted.

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