(not gonna name the site. Rules 1 and 2)
And I keep seeing the 'goodnight sweet prince' with a certain naked gun officer.
I checked legit news sites, and...
It's true.
Leslie Neilsen done kicked the bucket.
Damn damn shame. He was a mediocre drama actor, though one of his best roles was in Forbidden Planet. He had many other dramatic roles, but it wasn't until Airplane, and then later with the Naked Gun TV series, and the follow up movies did he really start hitting his stride.
Even as he slowed down, he still did occasional works here and there, and they were always a treat.
I don't think he could have done any more movies in the last few years, but he did some voice over work, and occasional cameos, like in the Scary Movie franchise.
Most of those became forgettable after 3, but when Leslie showed up, that usually made them, at least momentarily, memorable.
I'll miss him. I rank him up there with Jim Henson as far as people I really will miss from the celebrity line up.|||RIP Leslie Nielsen. I grew up watching his movies.|||Everytime I passed a certain structure in San Onofre, I always remember the opening scene of the Naked Gun movie.
RIP, thanks for the bawdy humor|||Probably my earliest recollection. A classic series. RIP

Now I have an urge to rewatch Police Squad out of respect or something.

I doubt there will never again be a serious actor with humorless delivery who brought such mirth to his audience.
And that's why I liked him. He didn't try to be funny, he simply was funny..|||The Olivier of Parody|||The passengers had a choice: chicken or fish.
Yes... that's right... I had the lasagna.
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