Shaped like shields and armed with an odor, dime-size brown bugs are crawling into area homes over windowsills, through door crevices and between attic vents in such numbers that homeowners talk about drowning them in jars of soapy water, suffocating them in plastic bags or even burning them with propane torches. In the process, some people are unwittingly creating another problem: When squashed or irritated, the bugs release the distinctive smell of sweaty feet.
Get used to it, experts say - the invasion is only going to get worse.
"This is the vanguard," said Mike Raupp, a University of Maryland entomologist and extension specialist. "I think this is going to be biblical this year," he said. "You're going to hear a collective wail in the Washington area, up through Frederick and Allegany counties, like you've never heard before. The [bug] populations are just through the ceiling."|||Oh come on, why didn't that happen when Bush was elected?|||A lot of people are complaining about them here, but they haven't been an issue at my apartment. (yet?)
For the record, the Cicadas that swarm every 17 years are way more fun...|||Quote:

Oh come on, why didn't that happen when Bush was elected?
The answer isn't obvious?

Bush was way too stinky for stink bugs

And yay, another thread where Obama makes an appearance. Talk about obsessed...|||I have to take credit for Obama showing up. The Bush taunt, no way J has the self-control to resist it.|||Yeah next time be a little more subtle about it! It's more fun to see what weird connections he comes up with! Like maybe this is a Kenyan plot to take over Washington with Kenyan stink bugs.|||Ah those KKKenyans.
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