Nikki Haley, for those of you who are unaware, is the GRRL running for Governor of South Carolina - you know, the position recently held by Mark Sanford?

Now that we�ve covered ye olde infidelity and �foreigner� smears, I figure we�re two days away from the obligatory lesbian accusation and then, on primary eve, maybe an �anonymous tip� that she killed a bunch of kids back in the 80s or something. But the biggest bombshell of all is being saved for the general election. Could Nikki Haley be � a closet atheist?
Item - origin.
Item - situation.
Item - cause.|||Or, I'd assume a larger portion of the populace will read this and have no idea what you're ranting about this week.|||He's trying to discredit a conservative candidate on the basis of political views, while the real discrediting should be on moral values. This a talking point strategy.
This conservative has been caught in several sex-related scandals, so Jmerv is pushing the usual conservative agenda - smear those conservatives who are hypocrites, and were caught red-handed in their hypocrisy. Make them look like closeted liberals.|||Color me surprised that a guy who was ripping off his constituents in order fund an affair is morally bankrupt. I think he may have just ensured Haley's election.|||J, I had to change your title somewhat. Appearing the way it did on the inc.gamers home page, it looked like some Arab hate group got into our forums.|||Serves her right for being stupid enough to go Republican.|||Repubs can't even get along with each other, much less with the female or ethnic members of their party. I don't remember the names but not too long ago one Repub running against another accused the other of being "liberal" because the other believed in evolution. Well there you go, if you're not an idiot you can't possibly be conservative according to the conservatives themselves.|||Quote:

Repubs can't even get along with each other, much less with the female or ethnic members of their party. I don't remember the names but not too long ago one Repub running against another accused the other of being "liberal" because the other believed in evolution. Well there you go, if you're not an idiot you can't possibly be conservative according to the conservatives themselves.|||Quote:

Repubs can't even get along with each other, much less with the female or ethnic members of their party. I don't remember the names but not too long ago one Repub running against another accused the other of being "liberal" because the other believed in evolution. Well there you go, if you're not an idiot you can't possibly be conservative according to the conservatives themselves.
People with conservative values are not necessarily Republicans, nor necessarily idiots by a long shot. Really broad paintbrush there, Erasmus.|||Quote:
Nice article. Conservative intellectuals, a dying breed.

People with conservative values are not necessarily Republicans, nor necessarily idiots by a long shot. Really broad paintbrush there, Erasmus.
But they generally are, Republicans I mean. I didn't call conservatives (or Repubs) idiots, if you had read closely what I wrote you'd see I was actually referring to creationists.
Do I really need to put disclaimers all the time? It would get tedious. Plus this is a JMeryvn thread, where inappropriate broad paintbrushes are slingin' all over the place. And I don't see you getting upset at the many generalizations HE'S made time and time again.
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