So, here's the story.
The mother of a family friend bought this for our friend's son. Her son is.......I think.....5 or 6 years old.....and she bought this for him. Never has the kid shown even a hint of interest in this kind of thing............but her mother bought it for him. So now, both me, my sister, and the friend want to know what in the bloody hell it is. All we know is it's some toy with movable parts. Any ideas?|||Fire imp?
I gave up on toys when Inhumanoids stopped being made - so I'm no use sorry.
-Art|||I have no idea, but it's sure scary. I couldn't imagine giving it to a little kid but that's just me. Not sure what it is but it reminds me of something you may see in a game of some sort.|||No idea, but it looks awesome. I agree with TW that it looks like it's from some game or something.|||Or a comic book. My first thought was Spawn.|||Spawn toys never have real fur though as far as I know, it's usually all plastic. It looks like it might belong in some game. Something out of Hellgate London or Dantes Inferno. I've played neither, but I know for sure that the latter has a toy line. It could also be from God of War.|||A scale/perspective would have been helpful.
Here's the site for the Spawn series... and I believe there's been a couple that use 'real' fur.|||Dunno. It reminds me of the Chaos Lord action figures, or maybe it's a Warcraft action figure.|||Ok, so found out it was appearantly bought from a second hand store and our friend has tried to find a watermark and such but no luck.........so we still don't know.
I had someone mention on another forum say it's part of lego style series or dragons/men's legos, but that's about the closest to an answer I've recieved.

Or a comic book. My first thought was Spawn.
That was my first thought as well but don't Spawn toys tend to be.........higher in quality? To me this one just doesn't seem to be on the same quality level.|||This is the closest match I found on the internet.

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