I'm no fan of the Dems (Or the GOP, for that matter) and I'm sure Obama has his speech-writers rather than his own ingenuity to thank for this, but nevertheless, honorably spoken:
"I say to all Americans, *** or straight, who want nothing more than to defend this country in uniform, your country needs you, your country wants you, and we will be honored to welcome you into the ranks of the finest military the world has ever known," Obama said.|||but what Obama and none of these other people understand is that in the Code of Military Justice, which is the rules and regulations of all the military, homosexuality is outlawed, meaning it is illegal. Notice how that hasn't been changed.
So basically, all repealing don't ask, don't tell does is allows the military to find homosexuals and forcibly kick them out of the military. Homosexuality has been outlawed in the military since the time of George Washington.|||Quote:

but what Obama and none of these other people understand is that in the Code of Military Justice, which is the rules and regulations of all the military, homosexuality is outlawed, meaning it is illegal. Notice how that hasn't been changed.
So basically, all repealing don't ask, don't tell does is allows the military to find homosexuals and forcibly kick them out of the military. Homosexuality has been outlawed in the military since the time of George Washington.
*scratches head*
Seriously? They forgot to change the outlawed part? /facepalm|||Quote:

*scratches head*
Seriously? They forgot to change the outlawed part? /facepalm
What makes you think they "forgot?"|||Quote:

but what Obama and none of these other people understand is that in the Code of Military Justice, which is the rules and regulations of all the military, homosexuality is outlawed, meaning it is illegal. Notice how that hasn't been changed.
So basically, all repealing don't ask, don't tell does is allows the military to find homosexuals and forcibly kick them out of the military. Homosexuality has been outlawed in the military since the time of George Washington.
What's the reference on that? The only thing I've seen is the CFR that makes it grounds for a dishonorable discharge (which is one of the only conditions under which a discharge can be upgraded nowadays, to my knowledge).
On-topic: Yes, it's about time...bit disappointed that he still "needs to think" about *** marriage.|||Quote:

but what Obama and none of these other people understand is that in the Code of Military Justice, which is the rules and regulations of all the military, homosexuality is outlawed, meaning it is illegal. Notice how that hasn't been changed.
So basically, all repealing don't ask, don't tell does is allows the military to find homosexuals and forcibly kick them out of the military. Homosexuality has been outlawed in the military since the time of George Washington.
It's a non issue. Unless the bigots want to make it an issue, which they might.
You're referring to one section of the Uniform Code of Military Justice that prohibits sodomy among service members. It's a damn joke considering that those sodomy laws also include oral sex so I'm sure they'd have to boot a good chunk of the straight servicemen and women as well. It's just another law with a double standard against homosexuals.
It is also not known exactly how Section 925 of the United States Code (also known as Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice) - the ban on sodomy among servicemembers - will be affected by the repeal of Section 654. Because Section 925 is considered a sodomy law which is not entirely subject to the civilian-applicable Supreme Court ruling against sodomy laws in Lawrence v. Texas, 925 can still technically be applied in a prosecutorial setting against servicemembers accused of same-sex sexual intercourse, even though the section does not explicitly mention same-sex relations in its letter. The repeal of 654, which explicitly refers to a prohibition against homosexual and bisexual servicemembers and was reformed by the 1993 congressional law, will likely open the possibility for future military-applicable judicial proceedings on the legality of 925. Analysts, such as David Rittgers of the Cato Institute, have called for the harmonization of Section 925 in regards to any sexual behavior which is perceived as disturbing the discipline and good order of the armed forces.[8] In addition, the report by the Pentagon on the results of the survey included a recommendation for the repeal of Article 125 in order to accommodate "consensual sodomy"[9]|||Quote:
So basically, all repealing don't ask, don't tell does is allows the military to find homosexuals and forcibly kick them out of the military.
Assuming your judiciary is not made up entirely out of bigots and idiots:
"We discharged sergeant Pinky for sodomizing a mate. Legal grounds are Military Code XYZ"
"You haven't effectuated art. XYZ in the past 100000 years, why are you effectuating it now and against Serg. Pinky?"
"Because the guy's openly ***."
"Ah. So you choose who is affected by this article in the code, by sexuality alone, discrimination based on sexuality is illegal, your application of the article is illegitimate and it is invalid as grounds for discharge."|||It's about time. I don't care if a person is straight or not, if he/she wants to defend their country then they have the God-given right to. I'd rather have someone in the military who's passionate about defending the country than forcing someone in who doesn't want to join, causing them to do a half-@$$ed job and ending up dead.
As for the discharge thing, the military are supposed to be full of big tough people but apparently immature if they're going to make a big deal out of a homosexual joining them in their common goal. They need to grow up and deal with it.
Kudos to Obama for signing this repeal.|||Quote:

but what Obama and none of these other people understand is that in the Code of Military Justice, which is the rules and regulations of all the military, homosexuality is outlawed, meaning it is illegal. Notice how that hasn't been changed.
Uniformed Code of Military Justice. And this is such a blatant lie.
To expand on what Erasmus said, there are still laws against sodomy, oral sex - pretty much anything but missionary - in certain places. The laws are old, unenforceable and ignored across the board.
Even prior to this most gays in the military were semi-open to those in their section. It's really not an issue for sane, ethical people.|||Overdue repeal...
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