A Japanese researcher says he is confident that he will be able to produce a mammoth clone within four years, using the science of recombinant-DNA technology.
Dr. Akira Iritani plans to extract genetic material from frozen mammoth tissue, and inject it into the nucleus of viable African elephant egg cell, converting it into a species that has been extinct for thousands of years.
The pure science of this is thrilling. Not so exciting, however, will be the inevitable religious/moral issues...|||I would be so thrilled if we could get dinosaurs back. I can't for the life of me see any moral issues above the normal ones when dealing with animals. Mammoths are a great first step. Next step: mosquito hunting.|||I'm only for this as long as I can put a saddle on one and ride around somewhere like it was a horse.
http://ieffinglovedinosaurs.tumblr.com/|||Well I mean, y'know: Who are we, just humans and still animals ourselves, to dare create life, which up until now has been the purview of the gods and all. There has already been noise of that sort with the sheep and frog cloning successes. Perhaps not so much noise will be made until such time as human cloning is attempted (if it hasn't been already), though.|||This is great news, and I'm glad to hear it.
Brontosauruses next, please! No need to clone the carnivores... kids will love Triceratops rides.|||Quote:

Well I mean, y'know: Who are we, just humans and still animals ourselves, to dare create life, which up until now has been the purview of the gods and all.
You mean gods and parents? Humans have been creating life for quite some time now. We generally call them "babies." As the sky has yet to fall, I think we can dismiss concerns about creating more life.

There has already been noise of that sort with the sheep and frog cloning successes. Perhaps not so much noise will be made until such time as human cloning is attempted (if it hasn't been already), though.
People whine about what they don't understand. There's yet to be a single substantive ethical issue with cloning. If you'd like a laugh, you should read The Wisdom of Repugnance by Leon Kass. Kass was Bush' chairman of the bioethics council and he wrote this aforementioned article on cloning. To this day its taught to freshman as a perfect example of doing it wrong. It's truly a wonderful piece and it's only a few pages.|||Who are we to create life? Just humans? Who have been making babies for how long now?
Geez, what a bad argument. So now we're creating life in the lab and it's a big deal, as if scientists never fooled around in labs.|||I have a problem with bringing back dinosaurs. We already have issues keeping **** alive on our planet, and now they are talking about bringing back extinct animals and try to keep them alive. Who knows if they'll live in our climates and environments and stuff. I think it's cool and all, but I really don't want it to happen if at all possible. Just doesn't seem like the right thing to do in this case.|||Quote:

I have a problem with bringing back dinosaurs. We already have issues keeping **** alive on our planet, and now they are talking about bringing back extinct animals and try to keep them alive. Who knows if they'll live in our climates and environments and stuff. I think it's cool and all, but I really don't want it to happen if at all possible. Just doesn't seem like the right thing to do in this case.
It'll be fine, dude, just fine.
We'll make sure to put them all on one tropical island, just to be safe. We'll put in a tram ride, also.

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