California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) Thursday signed into law a bill that decriminalizes the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana. The bill reduces simple possession from a misdemeanor to an infraction.
So what's your take, tokers? Good idea, road to Perdition, shameless stunt?
And to my fan club, yes, Obama didn't have his hand up the Governator's rump like a hand puppet, but this obviously has Federal ramifications.|||Well, it doesn't really decriminalize it per se. Hopefully we'll do that with the next ballot. I'm all for decriminalization. It's pointless, expensive to prosecute, and they just end up getting Prop 36 Diversion anyways.|||Several countries have legalized all drugs, and give care to those whom want to quit.
Me thinks they are on the right track.|||Here is a video showing the horrible effects of marijuana on brain cells. No wait, I meant the inhibitory effects of marijuana on brain tumor cells, and the complete lack of effect on normal brain cells.
We know what the effects of prohibition are - increased use and organized crime. And we continue to spend ridiculous amounts of money on the "war on drugs", not to mention incarcerating a larger percentage of our population then any other first-world democracy (Sorry, I misspoke again. I meant a larger percentage of our population then any other country) for 'crimes' that harm nobody but the user.
The recent CA bill (which I assume this is about: I'm still not going to read J's posts until he stops using deliberately inflammatory rhetoric. If I've guessed correctly, why isn't this titled "Decriminalization of marijuana in California"? Could it be that it isn't actually an attempt to engage in honest debate?) turns possession of small amount of marijuana into an offense on par with speeding, insofar as you get a ticket you have to pay instead of a court date. Which I still think is excessive. After all, when you speed you put the lives of other people in danger.
One humbly suppose that people who are all about individual rights and small government would be rabid supporters of the decriminalization/legalization of drugs. It's almost as if they're being dishonest.|||Not everyone who is pro-legalization of pot is a toker, even if J wants to portray it that way. But yes, just another attempt on his part to flame bait.|||What this thread needs is a good ol' Hash Bash.|||Quote:

What this thread needs is a good ol' Hash Bash.
Haha. At first I thought it was an anti-Hash thing when I saw the name. Oh how wrong I was.|||That kind of stuff happens every day in Vancouver, BC.
Pity I'm on the other side of the country.|||It's obviously a slippery slope to depravity and dead babies. Just look at Portugal.
I'm curious about the ramifications as well. Several cities have already adopted decriminalization, and basically left this to state police. I wonder if passing a statewide law will elicit anger in Washington.
I think it's going to be funny when all the ostensibly anti-federalist pundits get up and rally behind federal prohibition though.|||Back when I was but a younger, I must admit.. I partook in the drinking of milk. Yes, milk. And we all know what happens after drinking milk.. eventually, you switch to pop/soda. And then.. alcohol! If only I hadn't started out on that stepping stone drink of milk, I'd never have moved on to alcohol. I hereby forward the notion that we should make milk illegal, due to it's dangerous stepping stone status.
Just like marijuana, amirite?
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