According to scientists at UC San Diego and Harvard University, "ideology is affected not just by social factors, but also by a dopamine receptor gene called DRD4." That and how many friends you had during high school.
The study was led by UCSD's James Fowler and focused on 2,000 subjects from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Scientists matched the subjects' genetic information with "maps" of their social networks. According to researchers, they determined that people "with a specific variant of the DRD4 gene were more likely to be liberal as adults." However, the, subjects were only more likely to have leanings to the left if they were also socially active during adolescence.
I want to see if Rush latches onto this one: "Don't be mad at the liberals, feel sorry for them instead. They're defective and they need help."
|||We do have genes that function for different things, but I am kind of on the fence as far as genes "forcing" people to do or act certain ways in all things; though that might be a far cry in itself, the article also states social interaction (and I assume decision making) also influences things.|||And here I was expecting an Onion link. Let me know when they find the cantankerous forum poster gene.

Thank God we're not complete slaves to our genetic programming.|||Quote:

I want to see if Rush latches onto this one: "Don't be mad at the liberals, feel sorry for them instead. They're defective and they need help."
He has already done so.|||Quote:

I want to see if Rush latches onto this one: "Don't be mad at the liberals, feel sorry for them instead. They're defective and they need help."
You mean Jay, right?|||Quote:

You mean Jay, right?
Nonsense. You folk need to improve your reading comprehension; this article "proved" that the kool kids are liberals.|||Don't you mean KKKool KKKids? But seriously, you're a grown man, why do you insist on typing like that all the time? Kool kids? Really?
Oh and damn those scientists and their liberal bias. Next thing you know, they'll be putting that liberal gene into all our babies.|||This research seems to depend heavily on socializing during adolescence, which makes me wonder how much of the result could really be genetic.|||Not socializing, socializing + gene. An interaction of nature and nurture, which happens quite a bit with genes.|||What if being social was also a predisposition from the gene? Sort of like a loop feeding into itself?
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