They could have at least put out the fire and then issued a fine afterwards, but letting the family lose all their possessions and three pets?
Reminds me a bit of this:
|||That reminds me of a movie where ambulance personal refused to treat people that didn't have an account. Dang, can't remember what movie it was, or I could have posted another funny clip in this reply.
Anyway, I don't know what to make of this. Would they have done the same if lives were in danger?|||Yeah, sounds pretty stupid, but then again it's also pretty stupid not to get any sort of insurance for these kinds of things.
They could've at least put out the fire and then just force the owners out of their home and sell it or other items of value if they really wanted.|||I don't see why they didn't save the house and sue the family to pay for the entire operation, rather than the 75$. That seems reasonable.
Also, their son was burning their trash in their backyard? What?|||Santax, son, you missed the news cycle on this by two weeks.
Among other items mentioned two weeks back regarding the story-
- The homeowner <refused> to pay the fee more than once, not "forgot".
- The fire department covers their own turf, not the homeowner's area, and you have to pay extra for the out-of-area coverage. The pay-to-spray plan was agreed to between the townships something like 20 years ago <because> there was no existing service.
- The fire department was legally prevented from assisting him by the arrangement. Once the fire spread to someone who <had> paid, they were able to put it out.
- The homeowner would say or do anything about paying, but would not be legally liable when he later reneged.
A forest fire raged for a week next to my office about 10 years ago, and the fire department from a military installation nearby just sat on their lawn chairs and watched it.|||Hey! I remember this thread from GWG2!|||A house on fire with a video of Hugh Laurie with Fry(er).
/me nods to the wails of agony from said para-joke.

Also, their son was burning their trash in their backyard? What?
People do that in rural areas, as not everyone has curb-side trash service, and it can be done safely. Not in this case, apparently.|||Quote:

People do that in rural areas, as not everyone has curb-side trash service
Oh, America, highest living standard in the world and all that.

Oh, America, highest living standard in the world and all that.

This is why many of us think you Euros are ignorant commies. Do you have any clue about the logistics involved in dumping trash from remote residences in North Dakota, to say nothing of rural Tennessee?
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