The Muslim Brotherhood has engaged in subversive warfare against Israel and the West from it’s very inception. It has has served as both an ideological outpost and a covert supporter of violent splinter groups, including (though not limited to) al-Qaida and Hamas. Muhammad Badi’, the recently-elected General Guide of the group, has affirmed his support for Palestinian resistance to Zionist “oppression” and made no attempt to disguise his disdain for the United States and its interests. And now? The declaration of war against Israel and the West is official.
This group is the face of the Islamist so-called "moderates" that Obama's "apology tour" was aimed at. In other words, the hard-line Muslim puritans originating in Egypt and heavily dominating Wahabi Islam.
I'm certain that many of you don't have any concerns about this. But you probably should.|||I'm lacking education in that area, I'll admit freely.
What's the muslim brotherhood, and how much influence do they have?|||Quote:

What's the muslim brotherhood, and how much influence do they have?
They're pretty much the lodestar for Islamist theory. Up till now the appeaseniks wanted to differentiate them from those Islamists who actually carry out the "spread the religion by sword" bit, in hopes that they weren't really serious about it or something.
CAIR, most Sunni religious power brokers, and President Obama's close family friend (as well as Tariq Ramadan) all orbit around the Brotherhood's star.|||So basically, religious fanatics who control enough power to be a threat, yet do not really represent the religious mainstream (or at least the western religious mainstream).
Either way, it's pretty scary.|||Quote:

So basically, religious fanatics who control enough power to be a threat, yet do not really represent the religious mainstream (or at least the western religious mainstream).
They definitely represent the religious mainstream for hard-line Sunni Islam, aka Islamic Fundamentalism.
Remember how I'm mocked for mentioning numbers like 40% of Muslims being Islamist? The number would be a perfectly good guess as to what percentage of Muslims identify with the Brotherhood's goals and beliefs (by name). Al Quaeda, PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah, and others all may look to them regarding modern guidance & application.
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