I've decided to do another movie-themed costume as usual. I'm going with Neo, from the Matrix. Specifically Matrix: Reloaded.
Here's what I'm going for:

And here's what I got: (Obviously I'm not wearing sunglasses and my hair needs dyed, but I had to get the costume early to make sure the coat fit.)

Sorry for the crappy second picture, it was taken with my iPhone, but the coat is nearly identical to what Neo wore in the movie except for the fact that it isn't wool. The rest of the costume is just black slacks and shiny-*** dress boots.
I think it looks awesome.|||It looks awesome. But dude, you need to wear sunglasses instead of your regular spectacles, or you're going to look more like Neo-Accountant.|||Do the moves. DO THE MOVES!!!
Awesome costume. I'd give you candy.|||Quote:

It looks awesome. But dude, you need to wear sunglasses instead of your regular spectacles, or you're going to look more like Neo-Accountant.
Yeah, I have them. It was one of those 'super deluxe' costumes that came with the coat and knock-offs of the specs he wore in the movie. I was just trying on the costume here to see how it looked. I'm embarrassed about how much I paid for this, but I usually over-do it on Halloween.

and I changed my avatar for halloween|||I kinda want to be Ellis from L4D2, but only if a joint op w/ the gf falls through.|||I'm thinking about doing a plague doctor:

I've pretty much got everything for it, just need to find an inexpensive mask.|||haha Nice costumes everyone! I've got myself a Japanese kimono I'll wear and some year I'll get a Cleopatra one, as I love Japanese and ancient Egyptian culture.

I went to a BSG-themed murder mystery party for a friend's birthday a week ago or so and I went with an off-duty uniform because it's easy and cheap. Green BDUs, grey muscle shirt, and a black racerback worn backwards. The only item that couldn't be picked up at wal-mart or the local military surprlus store was a hexagonal dog tag for $15.

Lan wasn't able to go to that party, but for halloween we will paint on the matching tattoo set that Starbuck and Sam have. I have the stencils ready to go. It's on her left arm in the above pic but here's a better shot of them.

(not hating... just reflecting on the series)
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