I'm looking forward to the England vs. USA match that's for shizzle!
-Art|||England will destroy USA! :P The only half decent players America have are Donovan and whichever goalkeeper is playing - Brad Friedel?|||Normally I would be Go England but because of a World Cup sweepstake we have going on at work I now also want Brazil to win so I can cash in.|||Quote:

Normally I would be Go England but because of a World Cup sweepstake we have going on at work I now also want Brazil to win so I can cash in.
From the looks of things Portugal won't even qualify, and I'm portuguese...|||I get the feeling England are gonna lose against USA 2-0. I just don't think that they're playing as well as they should be this close (in friendlies at least).|||Probably should be known I'm Scottish at this point.
And whilst I generally don't adhere to a geographical community, during the world cup I do.
Purely on the basis of how many times I have to listen to 1966 from English commentators whenever they so easily forget that in 1967 Scotland beat them at home complete and utterly and without any actual contest.
I suppose my anti-English bone has been tinkled. Not that I've ever met an English person who isn't as capable of being as decent or as welcoming as any other person - I know a lot of English people who I'd consider friends - it's just that one thing over the football that bothers me.
And I don't even like football.
-Art|||Go Russia. Please make it this year into the finals.|||I think I may watch the England Vs USA game. Since I am half and half, I can cheer against myself while watching it, and then be happy whichever side wins :D|||I'll be rooting for England as always, since I'm half English. Too bad I can't watch their first game against the USA because I'll be playing a gig at the same time. I'll try to watch the big games and teams play as much as possible, I've done so for every WC I've watched live.|||I think it would be awesome to see one of the African teams do well (for obvious reasons). Like Ghana for instance, they've done well before in the past.
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