It's a fairly short and laconic article, lacking in important details, but it seems we have a good opportunity to look at free speech from a different perspective than the religious one; and one closer to home for many of us, perhaps.
I'm guessing the main reason for the sentence would be:
The posts included comments claiming he had sex with the victims' dead bodies, the court heard.
I'm rather divided on this.
Posting something to the effect of "I ****d ur ded baby lulz" on a dead child's memorial page is about as low as you can sink as a human being without leaving the safety of your keyboard, certainly.
But punishable by eighteen weeks in the can? Hm.
-On another note, why this constant need to push the limits for how much of a jerkwad it's possible for one human to be?
Is it as simple as having no other way to tell the world -and affirm to yourself- that you exist?|||Jean Luc says to Colm:

**** like that is just pathetic.|||Quote:

Fifteen posts of internet fame, eighteen weeks in jail.
It's a fairly short and laconic article, lacking in important details, but it seems we have a good opportunity to look at free speech from a different perspective than the religious one; and one closer to home for many of us, perhaps.
I'm guessing the main reason for the sentence would be:
I'm rather divided on this.
Posting something to the effect of "I ****d ur ded baby lulz" on a dead child's memorial page is about as low as you can sink as a human being without leaving the safety of your keyboard, certainly.
But punishable by eighteen weeks in the can? Hm.
-On another note, why this constant need to push the limits for how much of a jerkwad it's possible for one human to be?
Is it as simple as having no other way to tell the world -and affirm to yourself- that you exist?
You'd be amazed at what people will do when they think there's no repercussions. Some people are just *******s, and the only reason they don't do it in real life is the fact they'd get punched for it.
As for the idiot's sentence, what would he have gotten for publicly proclaiming something like that, instead of online? Other than hospitalized, anyway.|||During his 4 and half months in jail if wishes to harass people for fun, I'm sure he will end up hospitalized too.|||Maybe this will set a precedent for trolls everywhere...

Nah, trolls will be trolls and trolls be trollin'. How long before some other troll pushes it too far and goes to jail for a similar situation but a completely different reason?|||1 troll down, millions left to go.|||Quote:

Maybe this will set a precedent for trolls everywhere...

Nah, trolls will be trolls and trolls be trollin'. How long before some other troll pushes it too far and goes to jail for a similar situation but a completely different reason?
The rest won't learn. Not until it happens often enough to get them to understand that anonymity won't protect them from the consequences of their actions. Someone his age should already know better.
And then bragging about it? Giving out pictures? How stupid is he?|||Well good for him. Maybe he can get a prison job making infomercial mail to be sent out.|||

Troll: "So, what you in for?"
Convict: "I killed six people. You?"
Troll: "I told someone on the internet I ***** their dead son."
Convict: "You sick freak!" *proceeds to beat the hell out of the troll*
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