Happy New Years guys.|||Thanks, same to you.
Any resolutions? I don't really bother with that, except to do my best to make better choices this year than I did last year. A good year to you all, and may you prosper!|||I wanted to resolve myself to less procrastinating but as I'm feeling ill, I'm postponing that resolution to next year.|||I don't do resolutions on new years. I do them the rest of the year, and I keep them. On new years, I take a break.
Happy new years to everyone!|||Nothing happened 2000, nothings going to happen 2012 (lol). Another day, another year.
Happy 2011!|||It was a very good year (better if gw2 was out)
|||Happy New Year.

Regarding the 2012 thing, I don't believe in that; people said the same thing for 2000, and then for June 6, 2006, and nothing happened. I don't know why people come up with these theories but I don't believe in them, nor do I see any proof of them.
Anyway, back on topic - anyone in other parts of the world had New Year's Day yet? It's about 3pm here so we've got a while to go.

(Actually was an hour ago for us, but meh <.<)|||HNY everyone! Less than 3 hours to go for me.
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