A bizarre decision to ride an inflatable doll down a flood-swollen Yarra River blew up in a woman�s face yesterday when she lost her latex playmate in a rough patch.
The incident prompted a warning from police that blow-up sex toys are "not recognised flotation devices��.
http://www.smh.com.au/victoria/river...117-19sra.html|||Shows you can't always trust what they say in songs...
|||Man, what is wrong with the world today? I can't believe someone would be that stupid, but then again, yes I can considering things I see on the news. /facepalm
And yes, there are actual people that need help after all the flooding but the authorities have to drop everything to rescue a couple of idiots. I would have let them drown and helped the ones actually in need, because even a retard would know an inflatable sex toy isn't to be used as a flotation device. But that's just me.|||They were 19... described as thrill-seekers. It's not the same if you're flooded and the only flotation-like device you have to save your life are those... but those two were clearly doing the stunt for fun.
If not for competent rescuers, those two would be given Darwin awards.|||Wow... what nincompoops.
Reminds me somewhat of this, and I can't decide which is a dumber idea.
Also, Tim Minchin FTW|||They attached it to a power saw? Oh sure, what could POSSIBLY go wrong?!?|||Quote:

what could POSSIBLY go wrong?!?
The world's most common last words, closely followed by "Hey, watch this!"|||Best last words:
"They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance." - John Sedgwick
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