Thursday, April 19, 2012

Obama Nation: Reparations vs. the Tea Party?

I'm confident none of you remember Shirley Sherrod, but she was the reason this issue got some sunlight. It started because Andrew Breitbart posted her speech after Ben Jealous of the NAACP tried to ascribe racist motivations to the Tea Party.


Jealous and the NAACP had clearly gotten my intended message — those that live in glass houses should not throw stones. And I reveled in knowing that once again I had stopped the media-enabled, venomous, and artificial campaign by the left to destroy the Tea Party on the grounds of alleged racism.

That’s when I got whacked.

However, you may not have heard about the follow-through, labeled "Pigford" and "Pigford II". Breitbart and others investigated a lawsuit against the Dept. of Agriculture on behalf of black farmers which has turned into a cesspool of corruption.


“As an old pro, though, I know you don’t fire someone without at least hearing their side of the story unless you want them gone in the first place. This woman has been a thorn in the side of the Agriculture Department for years. She was part of a class-action lawsuit against the department on behalf of black farmers in the South. For years, she has been operating a community activist organization not unlike ACORN.”

Now, President Obama has signed a bill sending a grand total of $4.6 Billion to black and American Indian claimants. Thing is, there were only 400 claimants when the lawsuits were brought...


Breitbart since has embarked on a mission to expose Pigford for the outrageous fraud he and others have found it to be, namely how 400 black farmers in a class action suit ballooned to over 90,000 claimants when even one of the most energetic advocates for Pigford, John Boyd, founder of the National Black Farmers Association, has admitted that there are only 18,000 black farmers in the country.

Thoughts, if any?

EDIT - No thoughts available, eh?

Interestingly enough, someone from the Huffpo chimed in as well, saying that even the black farmers are somewhat unhappy with the result, some because their due settlement is massively diluted by all the ACORN types' profiteering.

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