NEW YORK�Popular file-sharing website LimeWire has been ordered to permanently shut down six months after a federal judge found it liable for copyright infringement on a "massive scale."
In an order Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Kimba Wood in Manhattan entered a permanent injunction, ordering the service to disable the searching, downloading, uploading or file trading of its software and to block the sharing of unauthorized music files. The lawsuit was brought in 2006 on behalf of the major record labels by the Recording Industry Association of America.
Another blow to illegal downloading.

Another blow to illegal downloading.
Only in the sense that it's gonna be like, 2 whole weeks until an identical site pops up.|||Quote:

Another blow to illegal downloading.
Move server out of US. Problem solved. And 3 new ones popped up.|||I think I last used that in 2004.|||Quote:

Only in the sense that it's gonna be like, 2 whole weeks until an identical site pops up.
While this is true, Limewire wasn't a site; it's one of hundreds of apps that made use of decentralized protocols such as Gnutella and Bittorrent. The client will continue to work with or without this company. If anything, as you said, it will merely spawn creation of new clients and protocols (which has already happened a la waste, freenet etc).
Piracy has existed for a very long time, and nothing short of the media companies adopting 21st century-friendly business models will stop that.|||Quote:

Only in the sense that it's gonna be like, 2 whole weeks until an identical site pops up.
Yeah, I was kind of tongue-in-cheek there. Scads of other programs and opportunities already exist for illegal file-sharing, while serious pirates didn't use Limewire anyway.
However, I'm pretty sure a lot of today's file-sharing criminals cut their teeth on Limewire and downloaded (and shared) their first baby viruses through it. Might be kind of sad to see an old tradition die out.|||I think this is great news, finally the digitally diseased site goes down.|||Who uses limewire anyways?|||Meh, this is bad news for the rest of us. I'm just glad that they aren't going after private trackers at the moment. I'm going to actually have to get a seedbox now, just to be safe.
If you're using Limewire, chances are that you're still on XP Home edition (NO Service Packs) and deserve anything that comes your way. Either that or you're on a Mac and think that no virus in the world could topple your 24" iMac.|||Well that sucks. I haven't used Limewire but I can see why people would - why fork out the money for $20 CDs when you can get exactly what you want for free? You notice CDs aren't flying off the shelves these days like they did in the past. But Limewire and similar apps aren't the only reason for that - iTunes has made CDs pretty much obsolete. Thank God I got an iPod because I'd rather pay $1 a song than $20 for a whole album when I only want a couple of songs. Still sucks about Limewire, but since I haven't used it it doesn't matter to me. But I know a lot of people are going to be pissed.
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