An undercover investigator with the U.S. Transportation Safety Administration passed through an airport body scanner repeatedly while carrying a handgun that went undetected, according to an NBC report.
Read the full article here:
I'm all for using those scanners but if they're not that effective, or if the people getting paid all that money don't pay attention, then I'd rather have a pat-down. This is ridiculous; there is no excuse for this.|||Great news for my flight on Friday.

Shiny, new tech is useless if the meat side is lazy or distracted. (like checking out the girl in the pic instead)|||I don't see how they could miss it...

Here's a comprehensive list of the things that have actually had a substantial impact on airport security since 9/11:
- Locking the cockpit door and making sure pilots know not to unlock it if someone threatens to kill hostages.
- Improving communication between law enforcement agencies (possibly)
Everything else was just to make people feel safer, and to make it look like the people in charge were doing something about the 'problem'. And quite frankly I'd be against the x-ray scanners even if they were completely effective.|||Quote:

Um... duh? Taking your shoes off, forbidding you from bringing water, even banning knives. None of it makes you safer. It's all security theater. This is just really expensive security theater....
Yeah, I'm not exactly surprised to hear this.|||Quote:

(And by "they" I mean the high school dropouts with a weekend of training who make up the TSA. You don't think those are even actually cops, do you?)
In fairness to the TSA, you need a high school diploma and 100 hours of training. It's not super high qualifications, but we don't need to denigrate it to make our point either. The constitution does that for us.|||Because of these new security procedures, I have made up my mind that traveling by air is no longer for me. I will not do so unless an emergency dictates otherwise.
At least a colonoscopy is groping with purpose, and might perhaps save a life.|||jmervyn, good point with that picture.

MV, good point about the colonoscopy. I only fly when I go to Canada but now I'm not feeling much safer. It's amazing that slackers are the ones that get the good jobs and those of us who are very hard workers with the necessary qualifications can't even get hired on at a fast food joint. It's sickening!|||Quote:

In fairness to the TSA, you need a high school diploma and 100 hours of training.
Waw u need 2 finis high school AND take a 2 week course???

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