Basically I'm looking to build a mid/high-mid range gaming PC for the next few years, so a couple pointers would be greatly appreciated.|||The system requirements for GW2 are unknown, but if you want to play other games too, here's a setup I'd go for (I'm not really good at this stuff, but it should be in the right direction)
Processor: Intel Core i7
RAM: 3GB (32bit) - 6GB (64bit)
Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 4850|||I'd go for an i5 and spend some more on the graphics side, get a HD 5850 or 5870
And if it's within your price range get a SSD harddisk for short loading times :)|||Get an i5 or a Q-series quadcore, put in two sticks of 2 GB DDR3 and a good GPU, something along the lines of 5770. If you have more money to burn, buy a hundred or so gigs of SSD and use that as your system drive. W7 x64 is where it's at.|||I'd say go for an i7, 6GB of DDR3 RAM, and a GTX 460. Other specs are up to you, solid state drives have been increasing in popularity as boot drives...So you might want to look into one of those.|||Am I the only one who thought you were going to buy an apartment? Sorry for offtopic. I don't know anything about computers.|||Quote:

I'm looking to build a new gaming PC (mostly spurred on by Guild Wars 2), and quite frankly I'm super out of the loop with PC gaming. So if I'm looking to build a PC capable of running GW2 to about the same level of performance as shown in the profession trailers, how high should I go?
Basically I'm looking to build a mid/high-mid range gaming PC for the next few years, so a couple pointers would be greatly appreciated.
You'd want to wait several months. Core I7 "sandy bridge" and Radeon 68/69xx series are just around the corner.|||ANet is pretty good about keeping their specs low, it's the other games I'd be concerned about (unless they're also MMOs).
My rule of thumb is to look at the price/power graph... at some point a small increase in power costs a whole lot more. So just decide in advance how far along that graph you want to go, and go with that with every important component. Salespeople tend to understand well the concept of "bang for the buck".
I'm out of the loop for specifics however.|||Quote:

I'd say go for an i7, 6GB of DDR3 RAM, and a GTX 460. Other specs are up to you, solid state drives have been increasing in popularity as boot drives...So you might want to look into one of those.
I second this. The GTX580 will be out in November too, so prices for the older models GTX470 and GTX480 should drop as well (The GTX470 has been reduced in price already). Alternatively, the i5-750 is a good choice CPU for gaming, not too expensive, but get's the job done perfectly.
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