Thursday, April 12, 2012

Assange VS The Guardian

[:1]I was wrong. I realise I don't tend to frequent these boards any more, and when I do, it's usually to argue about something. In this case, it would be dishonest of me not to pop back to post a pretty important update on something I'd been banging on about earlier.

The entirety of the cables have been posted (251,287), unredacted: so, no names removed, links to sources included, etc.,000_cables/

... People could die. I imagine people will die. I was wrong, & Jmervyn was right this time.

For his part, Assange blames a couple of Guardian journalists for having printed the passcodes to the unredacted cables beforehand. Strikes me as a pretty obvious smokescreen: he still released the documents afterwards, in full knowledge of people's ability to access, and the harm it would do.

So, to sum up: it was a bit of a dim move on the part of the Guardian journalists, but it was a potentially murderous one on the part of Assange.|||Christ, this really happened?

I hear a gallows being built....|||Still no Martians mentioned...

Stoopid alienz.

-Art|||I wouldn't give J too much credit, since at the time Wikileaks did nothing like this. Scream "bloody murder" enough times in a political arena and you're bound to get it right at least once eventually.

But man, what a **** up. I don't know what Assange was thinking. And it looks like no one agrees with what he did. Wasn't wikileaks attacked by hackers earlier in the week because of these cables? I didn't realize at the time that the cables contained names, now it makes sense.|||Quote:

I wouldn't give J too much credit, since at the time Wikileaks did nothing like this. Scream "bloody murder" enough times in a political arena and you're bound to get it right at least once eventually.

But man, what a **** up. I don't know what Assange was thinking. And it looks like no one agrees with what he did. Wasn't wikileaks attacked by hackers earlier in the week because of these cables? I didn't realize at the time that the cables contained names, now it makes sense.

QFT. I like knowing that we have freedom of information and press etc, but we don't need to know every little detail about everything, especially when that will cause problems with ongoing missions/investigations/etc and potentially get people killed.


Still no Martians mentioned...

Stoopid alienz.


Assange kept all those documents, the aliens bribed him with extra terrestrial technology and he doesn't want to lose any of it. Don't tell anyone though, the ability to read people's minds with a gadget the size of a cell-phone must be kept in good hands... oh wait, we're doomed!|||....

What are cables?|||Quote:

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What are cables?

I guess just a general word for 'transmissions'--e-mails, faxes and the like.|||Quote:

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I hear a gallows being built....

One can only hope ...

That would make the world a better place.

|||Right. A better world. Nothing solves the world's problems better than a good ol' fashioned lynching!|||What I dont understand is.. could they not just have changed the password? Was it hard coded or soemthing?

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