Saturday, April 14, 2012

Bethesda is suing Notch over "Scrolls"

[:1]Notch's Explanation

IGN Link

So basically, Bethesda thinks that the applied for trademark of "Scrolls" is something to be sued over because they already have a trademark for "The Elder Scrolls". Some points have been made how facebook was able to keep others from using "face" before, but at the same time, they don't have the word "The" in their trademark and even with all that, they had to agree to make something that was actually called "face", if I understand the situation correctly.

Then there was this comment by someone named 1restlessmind:


Shall we inform SEGA (publisher of 'Streets of Rage' from 1991) that Bethesda is infringing on their trademark by making a game called 'Rage'? :)

That I thought was quite interesting. Bethesda better be careful here, if nothing else, of upsetting its playerbase.|||I'm kinda glad they did it; I hadn't heard of Scrolls before, and it sounds like it may be fun.

Now, if it actually turns into a thing, well, that'd just be depressing.|||Quote:

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I'm kinda glad they did it; I hadn't heard of Scrolls before, and it sounds like it may be fun.

Now, if it actually turns into a thing, well, that'd just be depressing.

Yeah, I figure this will help with publicity... but if Bethesda actually goes through with this, and somehow win (I really doubt that they can win a lawsuit over one word) Notch is not going to be doing quite as well. Hopefully people will at least quiet down on how rich he is. He does have a good amount of money, but it's definitely something that can be gotten by entrepreneurs in multiple ways within their lifetime, and people (who like to sue) notice that you have that money.

Anyway, I've been playing Oblivion recently, thinking about buying Skyrim... think I should hold this potential lawsuit against Bethesda?|||The whole patent / intellectual property thing has gone way too far. It seems nowadays developers have more lawyers on the payroll than actual people making stuff.|||Have you seen the titles of some Japanese games? They cover a whole page! We'd never have any names left if this lawsuit goes legit!

I'm going to make my own crappy indie game and fit in as many potential words in that game developers might use and then sit back and sue people.|||Quote:

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The whole patent / intellectual property thing has gone way too far. It seems nowadays developers have more lawyers on the payroll than actual people making stuff.

Yup, and the same applies to all "creative content" released. It's not about gaming or gamers anymore, it's about how to make more money than the others and make them get no money.|||Only on earth is the style of arrow more important than to where it points.|||Arrows have function now? Crazy.|||Yeah, pointing at things has been very useful for ages now.

Okay, so I am bored.|||Optimistically speaking, if Notch bites back this daft move could kick ZeniMax in the face a little harder than the Mirror's Edge case dealt a swift boot to Tim Langdell's mug.

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