Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Infamous OTF's Randomly Off-Topic Thread

[:1]Can't find a thread discussing the food you ate last night and don't feel like making one up on the subject?

Have a little snippet of joy that just needs to be talked about?

Have I got a thread for you! The Off-Topic Forum's Off Topic Thread.


I had the best leftover hoagie in my life today. I don't know what made it so fantabulous, but it was just that: Fantabulous.|||Deja vu.

Can't we all just move on?|||Quote:

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Deja vu.

Can't we all just move on?

Hardly, I hated those threads.

This is the Off-Topic Forum's Off Topic Thread. This is where you talk about the things that don't warrant their own thread.

I didn't create this to be anything like the "say the first thing.." threads, so don't go trashing my idea.|||It's either this, or another 'First thing' thread. Yes, they are the same thing, basically. Take your pick. Aret, I leave you responsible for a poll. Or I'll make one later.|||Quote:

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It's either this, or another 'First thing' thread. Yes, they are the same thing, basically. Take your pick. Aret, I leave you responsible for a poll. Or I'll make one later.

Yay, responsibilities!

But if this is already here, why not just leave it? It makes more sense and it has a catchy name! |||I vote for this one. The name is better.

Also, I just beat Portal. It was awesome.|||I miss my old thread. I cannot move on with my life. Goodbye cruel world!

Moving on, who thinks ThisIsSparta got permahammered? And why did he get banned this time btw? If it's epic flameage, me = curious.

Next victim of e-drama: MStarfire! Where and why did he go?!

Anyone have the exclusives?|||Quote:

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I vote for this one. The name is better.

Also, I just beat Portal. It was awesome.

Ok, I just created the poll in my head before Mends posted, that makes it two votes this thread and zero votes for the other.

Voting is closed, we win.|||In a totally unprecendented turn of event, votes are still coming in after the polls are closed! Aret's thread now wins by a hefty 150%.

Democracy is a fantabulous thing!

edit: I don't know those people, Akirai. :p If they're not in the OT forum, they don't really exist.|||Quote:

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I miss my old thread. I cannot move on with my life. Goodbye cruel world!

Moving on, who thinks ThisIsSparta got permahammered? And why did he get banned this time btw? If it's epic flameage, me = curious.

Next victim of e-drama: MStarfire! Where and why did he go?!

Anyone have the exclusives?

Who cares?

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