Saturday, April 14, 2012

RIP Amy Winehouse

[:1]Singer Amy Winehouse was found dead today at her flat in London. Her death is currently being described by police as "unexplained".

Another member of the 27 Club it would seem.|||"unexplained"? more like "expected"|||It's too bad. She could've cleaned up and gone on to perform for years.

Her mother's name is Janis, btw.|||I find it tragic when anyone of talent dies young.|||I also find it tragic, such a waste, actually ticks me off a bit. Waste of life first, and talent.|||I'm not happy about it, obviously, but I am neither surprised nor sad by this news. She was known more for her drug habit than her music.|||I'm never happy when someone dies, but seriously though, I'm not surprised.|||Quote:

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I find it tragic when anyone of talent dies young.

So you don't find it tragic at all or did I miss something?|||Drug habit or not, Amy Winehouse was a very talented singer. The drugs may have destroyed her body, voice, career, and life, but, at one point, she had a golden voice.|||Quote:

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I also find it tragic, such a waste, actually ticks me off a bit. Waste of life first, and talent.

Sadly, this was definitely her choice - it's pitiful when someone this blessed decides to chuck it all away just to blow their mind on such things. Heck of a lot more to contribute than Charlie Sheen, for example.

I expect there's not going to me much delay before the crass jokes start coming. There were certainly enough while she was alive.

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