�Let me make it clear - we are not legalizing the use of marijuana...."
I don't smoke pot, so I don't really care. I only mention it because it is my hope that this type of thinking begins to take hold throughout the country and then we can start filling our jails and prisons with criminals instead of kids who smoke pot.|||Quote:
Opponents say marijuana is a harmful drug and that the law should keep it beyond reach.
Which it is not. At worst it's a drug that makes people really stupid, and gives them a speech impedement.|||Quote:

Which it is not. At worst it's a drug that makes people really stupid, and gives them a speech impedement.
There's some evidence linking marijuana use with long term memory impairment and dementia. That said, the damage it causes is so far beneath things like alcohol that I can hardly see this as a credible counterpoint. Stick a warning label on it and move on.|||Quote:
Those younger than 21 would face a 60-day driver's license suspension, similar to the existing penalty for possessing alcohol.
America is so f'ed up when it comes to these things.
'You may drive and enter the army, but neither drink nor smoke!'|||Quote:

America is so f'ed up when it comes to these things.
'You may drive and enter the army, but neither drink nor smoke!'
Baby steps, man. At least it's a start. By the way, you can buy tobacco at 18, not 21. And drive a two-ton guided missile on wheels at 16.|||Quote:

Which it is not. At worst it's a drug that makes people really stupid, and gives them a speech impedement.
What David said, about possible links to dementia and memory impairment. On the one hand, I believe marijuana is a much less harmful drug overall than alcohol, so decriminilization is a positive step toward, I hope, eventual legality. On the other hand, I get tired of the pro-pot group pretending it's a completely benevolent gift from the gods with absolutely no down sides. If nothing else, inhaling any kind of unfiltered smoke on a regular basis can't be a clever idea.|||Quote:

And drive a two-ton guided missile on wheels at 16.
That sounds remarkably stupid and suicidal; no wonder such jobs are reserved for kids in their late teens.|||Quote:

What David said, about possible links to dementia and memory impairment. On the one hand, I believe marijuana is a much less harmful drug overall than alcohol, so decriminilization is a positive step toward, I hope, eventual legality. On the other hand, I get tired of the pro-pot group pretending it's a completely benevolent gift from the gods with absolutely no down sides. If nothing else, inhaling any kind of unfiltered smoke on a regular basis can't be a clever idea.
What I never understood is why things like alcohol and tobacco are never banned... They too have bad side effects, which can be the same as marijuana.
Oh wait, I did understand... They get lots of money in the form of taxes from the sale of tobacco and alcohol....|||So you'd think they'd get money from marijuana tax, no?|||Quote:

If nothing else, inhaling any kind of unfiltered smoke on a regular basis can't be a clever idea.
This is why vaporizing is a better method of medication.
Or edibles.
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